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10 digital marketing trends for 2023

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The start of a new year is the ideal time to analyse the most important trends in digital marketing

The development of new technologies and changes in user behaviour in the digital world are a constant challenge for marketers. They must always adapt to the needs and tastes of consumers, so it is essential that they remain attentive to the trends that appear at all times. Therefore, from OCCAM we present 10 opportunities presented by 2023 to launch digital marketing campaigns in your company. Let's start!

  1. artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) takes work away from marketers by assimilating behavioural trends based on experience and results. This is highly beneficial for driving personalisation and segmentation, as well as ensuring the legality of data collection and storage

By 2023, it would be very useful to leverage this technology to boost SEO ranking by analysing patterns of success, thus combating Google's continual algorithm updates, but it is important to note that search engines penalise the use of AI applied to create mass content automatically.

In reality, the biggest trend that artificial intelligence will bring this year is chatbots, i.e. robotic-assisted chats that can attend to customers, resolve doubts or offer product recommendations. The idea is to improve the efficiency of their responses and focus on the emotional impact to make them more human. Thus, users will have a more satisfactory and instantaneous shopping experience thanks to their interaction with the chatbots.

  1. automation

This trend relies on technology and artificial intelligence to replace manual work with automated processes, with the aim of reducing errors and saving time for workers. So far, this opportunity has been used to great advantage in email marketing (or mailing). Therefore, this year's goal is to improve these practices to optimise the sending of emails without abandoning personalisation.

On the other hand, a growing trend that we will see is automated payments that allow customers to make purchases quickly and easily. In this sense, the so-called "one-click purchases" are emerging. Another process that will gain momentum will be the automation of two actions in programmatic advertising: data analysis and bid adjustments.

  1. omni-channel

Omni-channel marketing proposes a connected, integrated and consistent advertising experience across multiple channels. The goal is to reach as many potential customers as possible through powerful strategies that impact audiences. By 2023, the most used platforms in omni-channel marketing will be digital media, podcasts, virtual or in-person events and mobile applications.

  1. the metaverse and augmented reality

Although the metaverse is still in development, it has already arrived in the marketing world and will continue to expand in 2023. This parallel universe can be used to boost company positioning, influencer marketing, decentralised commerce, merchandising sales, etc. For the time being, the metaverse is a very young trend, so marketers need to stay informed at all times to find out how this world is evolving.

On the other hand, augmented reality (AR) is a trend related to the metaverse that is more developed and can be more easily implemented this year. AR offers an immersive experience to users that can drive them to make online purchases. It is an innovative proposition that offers many possibilities yet to be explored.

  1. the end of third-party cookies and the arrival of alternatives

In response to EU regulation, cookies that allow third-party data collection will be banned. Browsers such as Firefox and Safari have already eliminated them, while Google looks set to leave them in place until 2024, although it is already developing alternatives such as the Themes API, launched last year. This interface analyses the interests of internet users and groups them into anonymous clusters.

Thus, one marketing trend this year will be the search for and implementation of data collection processes that respect the new regulation.

  1. the more data collection, the greater the desire for privacy

Personalisation has been a marketing trend for several years, and it will continue to take on a leading role in 2023. This poses a challenge for companies, as they must collect data from their prospects while respecting the law. To do this, they use surveys, contact forms or subscriptions, information on social networks... But what will make the difference will be the use of big data.

Users are aware of this trend, so they are demanding transparent and secure processes so that their data is not at risk, which is why brands will have to transmit greater confidence through privacy guarantees such as the configuration of options, communication of their policies or the elimination of unnecessary data.

  1. google Analytics 4

On 1 July this year, Universal Analytics will no longer report data in Google Analytics 4 (GA4). This tool allows companies to better understand their customer journey through event-based website data. Google considers GA4 to be "a new property designed for the future of measurement". The use of this new version to understand analytics is undoubtedly a key marketing trend for 2023.

  1. tikTok and short videos

The growing popularity of TikTok and the communicative processes that it supports have made video the content format of choice, and not only that, but this year short, mobile-first videos will be on the rise because of their ability to make a quick impact.

We are seeing this on Instagram with its constant updates to promote the creation and consumption of videos (Reels), but also on Twitter and Facebook, and even on YouTube, where the YouTube Shorts platform, where users can only publish videos of a maximum of one minute, is likely to become more important in 2023.

  1. authenticity in social media

There is an unstoppable trend towards showing a more real and natural image on social media so that not only the exceptional but also the everyday is shared. This has gained momentum thanks to the impact of the BeReal app among Generation Z, who now also want to find more authentic content on all other social networks, including LinkedIn. Therefore, a challenge for companies in terms of their marketing and communication strategy is to appear more human and closer to their followers.

  1. influencer marketing and the presence of gamers

Collaborations between companies and influencers will continue to strengthen in 2023, especially among those profiles that are more local and target a specific audience, but, in particular, there will be a growing interest in the figure of the gamer due to the great popularisation of esports (electronic sports).


To conclude, we can summarise all this by saying that digital marketing will be marked by four main trends in 2023:

  • artificial intelligence.
  • the challenges posed by the metaverse.
  • the growing demand for privacy.
  • behavioural changes originating from social networks.

Your goal as a marketer is to turn these challenges into new opportunities for your business. Are you ready? Go for it!

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