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Inbound Marketing Agency


Inbound marketing strategies: articles for your blog, posts on social networks, videos in multiple formats...
we create everything necessary for the user to find useful and relevant content about you.

Inbound Marketing in Madrid

Inbound marketing methodology focuses on the consumer. Adding value to your brand, to your content, so that your potential customers are the ones who find you... and fall in love with you!

Create specific content for your customers such as blog articles, ebooks, social media posts and much more always using the inbound marketing methodology to attract your potential customers to your website to increase lead generation.

Attract their attention and make them loyal by meeting their needs. Thanks to inbound marketing you will attract the customers you are interested in, your buyer persona, which will make the leads obtained more qualified and more likely to close a sale.

Attract qualified prospects and generate trust and credibility for your company. Another very important point when you use inbound marketing in your company is that you will have more and more visits and more leads, this will cause your company to grow organically and you will turn your website into one of your main sales tools.

Inbound Marketing Experts

We occamis are "in love" with the Inbound methodology.

We are a Platinum Partner agency certified by HubSpot, the best software for inbound marketing.
Because we are passionate about treating each business in a unique and special way, inbound marketing will make your company grow and we will grow with you.
and we will grow with you.

To help brands attract, convert, and retain their users.
But above all, to create lasting experiences and connections.

How to make a good inbound marketing campaign?

Digital marketing strategy, SEO positioning, landing pages, lead scoring, marketing automation,
calls to action (CTA), buyer personas, email marketing, social media content...
everything is not enough when it comes to lead generation.

How to get it?

Having an expert inbound marketing agency will help you achieve your goals.

Occam Agencia Digital agencia de inbound marketing Madrid

Why is inbound marketing important for your business?

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Turning strangers into sales opportunities is no longer a utopia but a reality thanks to a relevant content offer launched at the right time and for the right customers.


Grow your business in a natural way, putting in contact two parties destined to meet: your brand and your potential customers.


Your visitors are already leads. All that remains is to transform them into customers, but what is the most effective way to do it? A good CRM, proper qualification and automating your marketing is essential.


Get satisfied customers, in love with your brand and ready to become true brand promoters.

How the Inbound method works

Let's talk about your project

We will be glad to help you! Leave us your details and we will call you in 24/48H.

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Stock placeholder image with grayscale geometrical mountain landscape
Stock placeholder image with grayscale geometrical mountain landscape
Stock placeholder image with grayscale geometrical mountain landscape
Stock placeholder image with grayscale geometrical mountain landscape
Stock placeholder image with grayscale geometrical mountain landscape
Stock placeholder image with grayscale geometrical mountain landscape
Stock placeholder image with grayscale geometrical mountain landscape