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how does HubSpot help you manage your social media?

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Nowadays, your social media strategy is a fundamental part of your digital marketing plan, that's why it's important to find the best way to do it. This is where platforms like HubSpot come in , which allows you to link up to 4 social networks.

But before we focus on how HubSpot can help you manage your social networks, we will explain what it is and how it works, because surely if you have done a search on topics related to Digital Marketing or Inbound Marketing, you have found this page, as they have one of the most read and visited blogs.

That's why we encourage you to keep reading this post so you don't miss anything about this platform and the benefits it will bring to your business.

what is HubSpot?

HubSpot is an Inbound Marketing software platform that helps companies attract visitors, convert them into leads and finally, transform them into customers through a simple formula: seduce users with relevant, useful and quality content.

But how was HubSpot born? It was founded in 2006 by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah, who realised that traditional marketing or Outbound marketing did not work in the new digital era, so they created this platform based on the Inbound Marketing methodology, and where they demonstrate that it works perfectly in the Internet era.

In short, HubSpot is the software that allows you to advance through the funnel, that is, that your potential customer moves from one stage in your journey to the sale.

Within the platform you can find:

  • Tools for content management, for example, the creation of calls to action or CTAs, or thank you pages.
  • Support tools, including tools for SEO, social media monitoring and various email functions such as templates.
  • Lead nurturing and sales opportunity management tools: Here we find marketing automation, lead and sales opportunity management or different analytics.
  • Blog tools, which contain templates and facilitate the introduction of content, as they contain metrics that calculate the reach or organic positioning.

HubSpot aims to help you achieve your goals, which is why it brings together all the possible digital tools so that you can attract, convert, close and delight in a single platform. In short, it makes the process easier for you.


how can HubSpot help you in your social media management?

As we have mentioned before, your social media strategy in these times is a fundamental part. Being present on social networks and having recognition thanks to them is important for the image of your brand. You know that having your profiles updated, sharing quality and relevant content, interacting with your followers to create engagement, will make your brand grow and have a positive image in your followers, that's why this point is key.

HubSpot can help you in this process, as it allows you to link 4 social networks: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. The first step to start with the management of social networks within this platform is to access the Social Media Marketing area. Within this area you will find 3 different functionalities: manage, monitoring and analyze.

  1. Manage: Here you can see your linked networks and the timeframe you are working with. You can view the campaigns you have active and the users that are linked to them.
  2. Monotoring: As the name suggests, this section makes it easy to monitor your social networks, and you can monitor them from here because you have all your accounts on the same screen.
  3. Analyze, the analysis part, where you can understand how your social media strategies are evolving. Like the previous one, you have everything on the same screen, you can visualise a specific social network or all of them.

what can you do from the HubSpot tool?

You can make publications in each of the profiles where you have accounts from the same place where you create your campaigns. You don't have to publish content manually from each social network, you can connect the accounts and do it automatically. You can also schedule content, so you don't have to worry about it on a daily basis.

You can also monitor the different interactions you get and connect with the most important people for your business. HubSpot associates mentions with real people in your database, which will help you create better messages, content, email, etc. You can see who are "your best users" and see who could be potential customers.

Moreover, thanks to the reports and analytics, you will be able to compare the performance of each channel, platform or publication, and better orientate your objectives to obtain the result you want, since by analysing it you can check if you are on the right track or, on the contrary, you need to make changes.

why invest in HubSpot?

There are many companies that have decided to invest in this platform, from large corporations such as the consultancy Deloitte to small startups that have just launched in the market.

HubSpot has more than 23,000 customers in more than 90 countries, because every day more and more companies are joining to use this software and support service to create and follow the Inbound Marketing methodology, which manages to attract, convert and delight customers. But you can see for yourself different success stories by visiting this link and see how many companies use this software.

Thanks to HubSpot you can work better on your social media strategy, making the most of the tools it offers, prioritising tasks and saving time. Moreover, as you have seen throughout the post, having all your social networks from a single platform gives you a global view of how your campaigns are going and how your profiles are performing.

We encourage you, if you have a business and want to streamline the management of your social networks, to try using HubSpot's software and see for yourself if this platform is the perfect fit for you and your needs. We hope you've enjoyed reading this post and we've encouraged you to use it for your brand!

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