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what is inbound marketing for ecommerce?

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Marketing is reinventing itself every day adapting to new technologies, and new terms are being created in order to optimise any marketing strategy in any field. ecommerce is becoming more and more latent and needs strategies that are especially oriented to it as it is a very competitive market, every day new ecommerce is born and those that already exist become stronger.

what is inbound marketing?

We can define inbound marketing as a methodology that allows companies to be more visible on the internet to their potential customers. To do this you need to improve your content marketing strategy.

This is based on techniques that are used by other methodologies, knowing this you will ask yourself, so what is the value of inbound marketing? The value of this is in the management of these methodologies.

The 4 stages of inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is divided into 4 main stages, which are: attract, convert, close and delight.

  1. Attract: The first stage consists of positioning your website on the internet so that potential customers can easily find your website and with it your content. For this to happen, you need to achieve a significant increase in traffic to your website. But it is not only important that large numbers of users land on your landing page, the most important thing in this phase is to be very clear about who your buyer persona is, so you can better focus on where to direct your strategy.
    If you know who your buyer persona is, you will know in which channels to transmit the message, when to transmit it and in what tone.

  2. Convert: Once you have managed to attract your potential customers, you have attracted their attention and they know you, the next step is to convert them into Leads. It is useless to have a lot of traffic on our website if they do not interact with it or buy our products or services. This can be done through a lot of resources, such as CTAs, chatbots or forms that are the star element to transform your users into leads.

  3. Close: At this stage the whole strategy is focused on closing the sale. For this, a personalisation process is carried out, once we have the lead, we have their data, such as their name or email address. This is decisive to understand what needs the customer has and how to solve or satisfy them.

  4. Delight: Although we have already closed the sale, the process is not over! Now we are facing the most important point, customer loyalty. The process does not end with the purchase, we must retain them and turn them into loyal customers to your brand.

what does inbound marketing do for my ecommerce? Advantages you should know.

There are many advantages of using inbound marketing for my ecommerce, here is a list of some of the key factors that will make you decide to use inbound marketing in your ecommerce.

  1. Convert into sales
    95% of users who enter a website for the first time, leave without buying anything, with an inbound strategy for ecommerce what we achieve is to optimize this buying process that is so difficult for our new users, all through personalized emails, attractive landing pages or by optimizing the page.

  2. Personalise your strategy
    By using the user's buying process and their behaviour on the website, you will have enough information to be able to adapt your strategy to the behaviour of your customers.

  3. Position your company
    It is very easy for your company to become a market leader with your inbound marketing strategy for ecommerce, if you generate a community of users, generate content that makes them have a good mental image of your brand and thanks to all this you will not only gain potential customers, but you will generate more leads and increase the credibility of your company. All this leads to a good positioning of your business that will bring with it a lot of sales.

  4. Qualified visitors
    Just as it is not just any content, but quality content, it is not just about attracting any customer, but quality customers. If your content is well thought out and you have very well selected your keywords, you will attract precisely your buyer persona, and attracting the right audience is a big step towards selling.

what should I take into account in my inbound marketing strategy for ecommerce?

  • The most important thing is the customer: You must keep your customers always satisfied, if you are quick to communicate with them and offer them everything they need in the time they need it, you will win them over.

  • Offer them valuable content: If you offer them information that is useful to them and that they can use to satisfy their needs or simply because you know they are interested in it, what you will achieve is to classify your customers within the database, segment them, which will help you enormously when it comes to generating that personalised content.

  • Don't just take care of the customer: You can't forget about your potential customers, if a customer started their registration or started to fill in the form on your page but never finished, they are still a potential customer, much more than a user who simply entered your page and didn't interact. Don't give up on them, in the future they may become your potential customers, and you can even help them to become one yourself.

  • Offers: If you create offers for the customers you consider most loyal to your brand you will be achieving 2 things. On the one hand, rewarding those customers who have trusted you before any other brand. And on the other hand, you stimulate others to be loyal customers of your brand in order to get those offers. They must be attractive, if they do not contribute almost nothing to the user, he will not make an effort to get them or your loyal customer will not feel rewarded by you.

  • Be transparent: Always offer what you can give, never lie or, of course, misleading advertising. If you show your customers your values by being honest with them, they will empathise with you, which is a big step forward in the customer-brand relationship.

What is more than clear is that inbound marketing is a strategy that must be followed, as it brings great advantages to your business. On the other hand, within ecommerce, having an elaborated strategy is very important to be able to overcome your competition and stand out among all the ecommerce that are growing day after day on the internet.

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