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16 examples of commercial actions to sell more

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do you want to improve the profitability of your business? In this article you will find several ideas for commercial actions to achieve this goal

"I am sure that every manager or marketing manager in the world has asked this question once, twice, a hundred times. Planning and implementing marketing actions to win customers and improve profitability can be a costly task, both temporarily and financially, especially for businesses in highly competitive sectors.

Thus, it is essential to design a marketing campaign if your objective is to obtain more sales, either by increasing the purchases of your current customers or by attracting new buyers. However, not all marketing actions are equally effective for every business, nor is it relevant to try your luck with all of them. What your company needs is a strategic analysis that studies the market, the competition and the brand situation with this information, you can establish the objectives and the most suitable commercial actions to achieve them.

Commercial actions: 16 examples that will help you to sell more

At OCCAM we are aware of the complexity of making effective the desire to increase the sales of a business. Therefore, we present 16 ideas with different commercial actions that you can take into account when designing your sales strategy. Let's look at them one by one:

  1. Consider inbound marketing as your long-term strategy.

Inbound marketing works exhaustively to attract customers from their first contact with the company until they make a purchase. Thus, it accompanies the user at each stage through the conversion funnel improving their experience with the company. In this sense, many of the commercial actions that we will talk about in this article are part of this strategy. Inbound marketing is a technique that offers long-term benefits, so you must be committed to it.

  1. Launch a newsletter

Keeping users informed about your company's news and content is one of the most effective ways of building customer loyalty and attracting sales. In this way, you can send quality and relevant content so that subscribers perceive you as a source of information, and not just as a shop. If you opt for this commercial action, you can follow our advice when implementing a mailing campaign.

  1. Join content marketing

Related to the previous point, creating your own content brings value to users beyond obtaining products or services. Content can vary in format and dissemination channel to increase its reach, so you can share an ebook on your website, an article in a newsletter or an infographic on social networks.

  1. Stay active on social media

At this stage of digitalisation, most companies have understood that having social profiles is almost essential to stay close to customers and potential buyers. A good networking strategy starts from the beginning and the basics such as establishing a profile image and consolidates with the creation of an interactive community with your followers, because each of them can lead to a new purchase. In this sense, pay special attention to your activity on Instagram.

  1. Opt for influencer marketing

Another good way to reach new users is for your company to launch a collaboration with influencers who already have the trust of your target audience, so they can promote, recommend or raffle a product from your catalogue among their followers as a way to expand their reach.

  1. Don't ignore traditional marketing

If you have the necessary budget and you consider that a TV, radio or press ad can reach your buyer persona, conventional advertising is a very valid option.

  1. Design a campaign with Google Ads

The Google Ads tool allows companies to optimise their ads on the Internet by segmenting the audience they want to target as much as possible. In this way, the search engine positions the promotions through an algorithm based on keywords and cookies.

  1. Create a referral programme

Referrals are the new contacts that a company gets thanks to the recommendations of its most loyal customers, so this programme is based on trust to increase sales and improve brand recognition while reducing the cost of advertising.

  1. Look for consumers with the same profile as your current customers

In line with the previous point, your marketing staff can actively search the Internet for profiles of potential customers. They can be guided by similarities with your regular customers, interest groups or geolocation. An example would be to search for communities on Facebook and inform them about a product that might be of interest to them.

  1. Take advantage of user reviews

This is another way to build trust through recommendations, in this case disinterested by users sharing their opinion about a company publicly, so your job is to capitalise on positive comments and make sure they reach new audiences by sharing them on your website, your social networks or your ads.

  1. Introduce discounts and temporary promotions

Discounts are very useful to encourage pending users of your company who have not yet taken the plunge to buy a product. Moreover, by launching temporary campaigns (which can be located in special events such as Christmas, Black Friday, Valentine's Day, etc.), you generate a sense of urgency that can awaken the need to buy in many people.

  1. Study how you can implement psychology in your prices.

It is not the same if your product is worth €100 or €99.5. Psychological prices work and, if you make good use of them, they can increase purchases.

  1. Go deeper into your brand values and image to attract media attention

what innovations differentiate you from your competitors? What emotions can your products arouse? Are values such as ecology or solidarity part of your line of action? Answering all these questions makes it easier for your company to be responsible and aware of the issues that concern society. In this way, you can attract the attention of different media to conduct interviews, news or reports related to your company that reach new audiences and increase your sales. It is also a way to improve your digital identity and reputation.

  1. Offer security and ease of payment

If you are part of e-commerce, it is essential that you guarantee data protection and speed in the payment method. Otherwise, you may be losing sales by generating mistrust or designing overly complex payment processes.

  1. Ensure communication with your customers

Users need their doubts, complaints or even recommendations for improvement to be answered, so offer various forms of contact (telephone, email form, social networks, etc.) so that no customer feels unattended.

  1. Don't forget SEO positioning

Take a look at SEO techniques and implement them on your website, paying special attention to its usability and accessibility, as well as responsive design. In this way, you make it easier for your current customers or consumers with the potential to purchase your products or services to find you on search engines. If you remain in the depths of the web results, you will be losing sales.

Finally, remember to monitor and track every marketing action you launch to see what works, what doesn't and what you can improve through the results report.

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