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what is marketing automation?

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The development of information and communication technologies has led to the creation of a new relationship between company and customer, which will be personalised, direct and immediate. Marketing has adopted many tools that will help automate this communication process.

The strategies used to mechanise and streamline these processes are included in marketing automation. To find out what this concept is and what are its main benefits and tools to carry it out, read on!

what is marketing automation?

Marketing automation is the use of a series of tools to help companies prioritise and execute their actions in a faster and more efficient way, in order to achieve all their objectives in less time.

Currently, 51% of companies have introduced marketing automation into their business strategies, and the vast majority of marketers have noticed an increase in leads or potential customers after implementing it in their company.

Gradually, it is becoming one of the most vital tools in digital marketing, and by 2025, the market is expected to reach a value of around $17 billion.

For the automation marketing process to work properly, it is necessary to have a well-defined and established process for generating qualified leads, with the aim of creating a database that you can cultivate and convert in the future into customers for your business.

Therefore, you must have well defined the profile of your buyer persona, at what stage of the buyer's journey are your customers, in order to generate valuable content for your customers.

Benefits of marketing automation

If we make good use of marketing automation tools, we can achieve a large number of benefits for our company. Among them:

  • Costs and staff time are reduced. We no longer need someone to be aware of when or how to upload a publication to our website or send an email to a customer, as we can now leave everything programmed and written before we leave.
  • We can analyse and track the impact of our marketing actions or campaigns in a faster and more efficient way.
  • The entire marketing processes are developed in a natural way.
  • Planning and programming of content on social networks and websites.
  • Much more innovative web forms.
  • It has boosted lead nurturing, design of automated education and maturation processes within a database. It allows companies to know the key phase of the sales process, from the moment a customer knows the product until they decide to buy it.
  • It allows the automatic detection of digital customer records, including both their data and their online behaviour. This process is called lead scoring.

To conclude, we make it clear that it is a very useful tool to recover old customers who are no longer active on the network or potential customers automatically. It is the programming of automatic functions that detect the moment of inactivity of a user on the network, boosting the sending of emails, personalised advertisements or other offers aimed at the customer to attract their attention.

Marketing automation tools

  1. Hubspot

The quintessential automation marketing software, Hubspot is a powerful, feature-rich tool with a complete growth package of sales, marketing and support software.


It is integrated with HubSpot's CMR, and includes a very practical and simple visual dashboard where workflows can be created, as well as a wide variety of creative possibilities in its content.

  1. Autopilot

The main advantage of this tool is its ease of interpretation, allowing the user or company to annotate a series of sequences with emoticons, explanations and stickers, a feature that allows the different teams involved to develop their strategies.


It offers the possibility of activating actions in the different functions of the same platform, which avoids having to configure integrations and makes the sequences much easier to understand.

  1. Marketo

A classic in the sector, Marketo's business motto confirms that it has all the solutions for a company's digital marketing needs. From lead management to content marketing, it promises to strengthen and develop these objectives.


  1. Salesmanago

Salesmango is the complete marketing automation tool. It includes remarketing list options for social networks such as Facebook, and has one of the most competitive prices on the market. The solutions it offers are for businesses in all sectors.


  1. Sendinblue

Sendinblue is one of the most affordable marketing automation tools, and although it is not the most visually appealing, it offers free automation if the company has no more than 2,000 contacts.


In 2020, the company gave us a glimpse of its scale, confirming that it had more than 80,000 users consuming its services to send millions of emails a day.

  1. ActiveCampaign

It is the tool of choice for small businesses, and one of the best automation platforms out there, and its price point has made it one of the most affordable tools on the market.


Regardless of the company's growth, the platform remains affordable, unlike other automation tools such as HubSpot or Sendinblue.

Marketing automation has brought about a great development in digital marketing. It has changed the way we communicate and interact with our customers, enhancing a direct and immediate relationship. This in turn has contributed to improve user traffic and lead acquisition. Welcome emails, user feedback or more personalised content have come from automation marketing. We hope you enjoyed reading this post!

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