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what is legal marketing? Inbound techniques for law firms

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Many lawyers believe that they do not need marketing in their strategies to attract new clients. They believe that having a good brand image and doing quality work is more than enough. However, betting on legal marketing and, specifically, on inbound marketing to develop your brand strategy is a safe bet. Nowadays, with the large number of technological innovations that exist, investing in legal inbound marketing is a way to position yourself at the top. Why? We will tell you why in this post.

what is legal marketing?

Legal marketing is a broad term that can encompass many ideas, but it is not difficult to define or understand what it aims to achieve. We could say that legal marketing is the set of communication techniques, advertising, public relations on social networks, direct marketing actions and the practices of lawyers to attract new clients.

In other words, what legal marketing, and more specifically legal inbound marketing, seeks to do is to apply inbound marketing techniques to the legal sector to help law firms attract new clients or retain existing ones, and the definition of legal marketing includes any activity to develop the law firm's business, to increase its revenue and, in general, any effort to get more clients for the firm.

Nowadays, law firms also rely on client acquisition like most companies, and what is a good strategy for client acquisition? Yes, inbound marketing!

Inaddition, the legal and legal sector in general is a sector that still has little digitisation today. That is why law firms need to get their act together because, like companies in any other sector, positioning themselves on the internet is a safe bet. Users will search the internet for opinions about the different law firms they are interested in, contrasting the reputation and opinions of each one to assess the quality of their services. That is why if they are not on the internet, people will find it more difficult to find opinions about them and therefore, they will probably end up choosing other competing law firms.

Therefore, applying inbound marketing techniques to legal marketing can help to solve this problem and bring clients closer to our business. If we remember, inbound marketing is based on a methodology that combines different marketing and advertising techniques to attract clients, providing value in a non-intrusive way. Its main purpose is to contact users who are at the beginning of the purchasing process. From that moment, it is about accompanying them, offering them exclusive and personalised content for each of the phases of the purchasing process and their profile, until the final transaction and subsequent loyalty .

how can inbound marketing help us?

The first thing we have to do if we want to implement inbound marketing with legal marketing is to design the measures that will be useful for attracting customers in this process and then to know how to follow a series of steps to facilitate the process of attracting new users.

We can distinguish, in the steps to follow, eight different phases through which the client will choose us regardless of the competition. Let's take a look at them!

  • Define: When we define our firm's value proposition, we are defining our company. In other words, knowing what we do and how we can be better than the competition will help us to outline our inbound marketing strategy.
  • Analyse: Each client is a different world, with different needs, but we can analyse the similarities between clients and see which services are most requested and thus offer specifically personalised content.
  • Use digital tools: We have to know how to choose tools and attractive digital content that is related to our sector and the field in which we work. It would not make sense to choose general content as it would hinder the user in his or her choice process.
  • Drive traffic: Driving traffic to our website is not as important as driving quality traffic. Your website, blog and social networks should be seen by users as a gateway to the firm, so you should use it to use the right keywords, images and content to attract as much traffic as possible.
  • Convert: Yes, converting visitors to our website into opportunities is the most important thing. We can include a form to send personalised information and thus collect data from users to focus our attention on them.
  • Improve trust: As we have said before, we have to assume that users are going to research about us before choosing us, we have all done it once, so we need to be honest and only talk about what we can offer and be clear and direct with customers as this will help us to improve our online reputation.
  • Offering quality: The most important thing is to listen to the customer, otherwise no communication is possible. If we know what their concerns and interests are, we can offer better quality content. We also need to listen to our competitors and find out how they work to understand what customers consider quality.
  • Loyalty: When we capture a customer we should not stop there. We must continue working to make them happy with our brand by offering them interest in it. In this way we will get their loyalty and they will recommend us to others. After all, a customer will be our best publicist both in their environment and in social networks.

Why inbound marketing

Implementing legal inbound marketing in your law firm is a good option to reach more people in a much more professional and personal way. All businesses must know how to keep up with new technologies and always choose what is best for the client and for the brand itself.

If we implement inbound marketing we will be giving users the prominence they deserve to become future clients. If they do, we will also win. Therefore, betting on inbound legal marketing is the way to win for everyone: both clients and the firm itself.

are you interested in implementing inbound marketing in your law firm but you have doubts? We are here to advise you, so get in touch with us!

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