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is email marketing dead?

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Nowadays, many digital marketing experts claim that email marketing is a dead technique. It is a hotly debated topic among digital marketing experts, as while some confirm that it is becoming obsolete and will die, others refute that it is in its prime, the truth is that email marketing is more alive than ever.

The truth of the matter is that email marketing is more alive than ever. Those who claim that it is an outdated technique with few years left to live could not be further from the truth. And we are not reporting this based on what we believe, but based on data that has confirmed that email marketing is even in a process of growth.

The theories that relate its possible decline are based on the idea that email has been replaced by social networks. This is mainly due to its communication and broadcasting function. They confirm that younger users would stop using email and switch to other tools such as Twitter or Facebook. We can say with complete certainty that this has not happened.

What's more, many studies have shown that email marketing is still at its peak and that it remains a vital tool for measuring, planning and optimising an emailing strategy within our marketing plan.

Email marketing statistics in 2021

Before we talk about email marketing statistics, let's stop to define it. There is no better definition than the one offered by HubSpot to talk about this technique:

"Email marketing is the practice of sending various types of content to a list of email subscribers. This content can serve to generate website traffic, leads, or even product sign-ups for a business. It is important that the recipients of an email campaign have personally opted-in to receive this content, and that each newsletter offers something of value to them."

To corroborate the reality that email marketing is still more present than ever, let's introduce some statistics of email marketing in 2021. In this way, we can see that it is a tool that is still being used by many businesses and users to share and distribute content.

  1. By 2023, it is estimated that the number of active email accounts will be 4.3 billion users.
  2. Around 293.6 billion emails are sent every day.
  3. The average ROI of email marketing is $42 for every $1 invested.
  4. 9 out of 10 companies use email marketing to distribute their content in an automated way.
  5. 81% of small and medium sized businesses use it as their primary source of customer acquisition and 80% of SMEs use it as their primary customer loyalty tool.
  6. The average open rate of welcome emails is 82%.
  7. Emails that include a personalised subject line generate up to 50% more opens.
  8. Sending 3 cart abandonment emails is more effective than sending a single email, resulting in 69% more orders placed.
  9. Including audiovisual content such as videos in the email increases clicks by 300%.
  10. 49% of customers want to receive promotional emails from their favourite brands.

The above statistics demonstrate just how many people still use email, and it also shows that email marketing is still a vital tool for attracting and retaining customers, proving that email marketing is indeed more alive than ever.

Reasons why email marketing continues to work

  • Increases the level of customer engagement

The level of customer engagement achieved through email marketing continues to grow by the day, with a large number of companies confirming that by including email marketing in their digital marketing plan, they are seeing year-on-year growth in deliverability, open rates and CTR.

76% of marketers see active growth in the number of email subscribers and confirm that the vast majority of digital adults use email and check their email on a daily basis.

In addition, the conversion rate is much higher thanks to email marketing, as confirmed in the statistics above, for every $1 invested in email marketing, $42 in revenue is generated.

  • Email marketing figures outstrip social media figures

There is no denying the growth of social media marketing, however, one aspect that cannot be ignored is that email marketing figures are much higher than social media in relation to the consumer.

For example, the conversion rate in social media is three times lower than in email marketing, and the value of each email conversion is 17% higher than in social media. In addition, 24% of email marketing recipients make a purchase, 10 times more than the 2.49% of consumers in search engines, and twenty times more than the 0.59% in social media.

  • Enables a high degree of personalisation

Marketers leverage big data to design targeted and specific communications, enabling automated, personalised and highly-targeted messages to be sent to users.

  • Enables high segmentation

Users like to see that companies know them, that they know their tastes, their interests, and everything related to their buying habits.

Email marketing is a perfect tool for target segmentation. Analysing and measuring the tastes and interests of users and sending messages based on this information considerably increases the probability of opening, which translates into an increase in sales.

  • It is an economical communication channel

To develop email marketing strategies, we only need access to the Internet. It is a useful, fast and inexpensive tool. Everyone has access to it, and any company can use it for their marketing strategies.

Email marketing is not dead, it is still booming. Statistics confirm that it is still one of the great tools to attract and retain users. Moreover, it brings many benefits, even more than other tools in which we spend more time and money. It is vital to introduce email marketing strategies in your campaigns if you want to increase the visibility of your business. We hope that this post has taken away your doubts!

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