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Social networks, which social networks should my company be on?

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Technological development comes hand in hand with a new range of possibilities, which are social networks. As entrepreneurs we must see in these social networks new tools through which we can offer a service.

The number of internet users in the world has reached 4.7 billion people, which is 60% of the population. This is the highest growth since there have been studies or reports on the subject.

If we focus on social media, in the last year, the number of active social media users increased by 500 million new users over the previous year; leaving us with a total of 4.33 billion users who are engaged in social media in 2021. On average, people log on to social media every day for a total of 6 hours and 54 minutes.

Your actions on social networks are vital to develop your business. However, not all of them guarantee the same success. Thanks to these platforms, a large number of brands have gone from being forgotten to becoming the favourites of the moment. Below, we will explain which are the best social networks for companies.

Advantages of social media

Social networks have the power to become a channel through which to share your company's content, products and services, and in this way make yourself known to the public.

If you use the right one, it can become the perfect tool to develop your marketing strategy, achieve your objectives and obtain new prospects for your brand. And not only this, but a good use of these applications can considerably increase the visibility of your website, popularise your content and improve your positioning in search engines.

They are tools in which you interact directly with the user or customer and active communities can be formed around your products and services, and this interaction will allow you to improve your marketing campaigns.

It is a two-way communication that you have with users on the platform. Feedback from them can help your company to see where you are failing, where you need to improve and what your best products and services are.

Social networks are the main platforms used to distribute your content marketing. It is important that you can find the right channel for your company and your audience. From there, you should adapt and develop your marketing strategy according to your initial objectives, the audience you are targeting and the products and services you offer.

6 social networks where your company should be present

  1. Facebook

Facebook is the network with the largest audience and the largest in the world. Its audience is quite loyal to the platform, and is known as an audience connected for several hours a day. This can be used by companies to share their valuable content, so that this audience can learn more about their brand and their products and services in an active and participatory way.

Facebook has a professional part that allows you to create Fan Pages for businesses and participation groups thanks to which you can obtain useful information for your business and disseminate your content in a strategic way.

You can also create ad campaigns in different formats, defining a specific segmentation that can make your company reach a target audience that is more interested in your brand and your products.

  1. Twitter

This is the social network through which you can reach an audience you don't know, but which is interested in products and services related to your brand.

Its character limit per tweet (140 characters max.) forces you to offer concrete, useful and attractive information. In these publications you can include links to redirect users to your website, and thus increase traffic. It is a very useful way to find your target audience and potential customers that will help to consolidate your brand.

Thanks to Twitter Analytics, you can access all your company's statistics on the platform for free and thus measure the impact of your communication. You will be able to better define publication schedules and what topics or content you should publish.

  1. Instagram

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks and currently has more than 1 billion users worldwide.

It incorporates functionalities that we can see in other social networks, such as the so-called stories, which are publications that are uploaded to the network and are in the cloud for a maximum of 24 hours. Another characteristic element of this social network are the reels. These are videos similar to those that we can find on the TikTok social network, and which have a maximum duration of 60 seconds.

You have the option to optimise your profile as a company profile, and this feature allows you to access all the statistics of your publications, from the type of person who is viewing your content to the reach of each publication you upload to the platform.

Its streaming and video capabilities have made it possible for you to show your audience all of your company's valuable content, showcasing and humanising your brand through your employees, facilities or customers. Although it is a more complex social network, if you use it well you can greatly increase your brand's visibility.

  1. TikTok

TikTok is a social networking site that is making waves among younger audiences, and the way it combines originality, fun and entertainment is one of the reasons why the platform has become one of the most used by internet users.

It has an algorithm that is guided by the tastes and interests of users. The content that appears to the user is content that interests them, and that they are likely to consume or will consume. The platform itself segments the audience you are going to reach according to what your company publishes.

Many brands have built their channels on this social network, offering content aimed primarily at this community. Their strategy is that they have joined new trends or viral content on the platform, and this has increased their chances of appearing on the screen of many users when they are on the platform.

  1. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a platform specialised in the professional world. It is a perfect place to generate relevant information about your niche market, and to show your professional side. With this you can get a greater number of clients, and also connect with other companies, which can contribute to your digital reputation and your personal brand.

It has been confirmed that companies that use LinkedIn to establish a marketing plan can up to triple their conversion rate and get more leads compared to those that only establish marketing strategies on other social networks.

If you use LinkedIn properly, you can completely transform your business model, so it is clear that if you have a business, you need to set up a LinkedIn marketing plan to drive your business forward.

Social media is the number one tool to generate publicity for your business today. It is the platform that everyone uses, and the one that includes features that allow you to reach a massive audience. A good use of these platforms can bring great advantages to your business. We hope you enjoyed reading this post!

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