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How to rank in the top 10 Google results

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If you are one of those who, as a consumer, only check the first results of a Google search when you want to look for a product or service, then you will also be one of those who, as a business, want to appear in the first search results, right?

If so, then you are as interested in SEO positioning as you should be, as it is one of the most indispensable tools to make our business grow. In this post we are going to talk about how to position yourself well in the most used search engine worldwide: Google. Keep reading!

what is SEO positioning?

SEO positioning, in its acronym Search Engine Optimization, is a series of content optimisation strategies that aim to improve our position in search engines for certain search terms, in order to increase traffic to our website.

Therefore, the strategies we use to position our website will be SEO techniques that will not only drive more traffic to our website, but also improve other features, such as: improving the design of our website to make it more attractive to the user, improving the keywords we use to refer to our content on the web, etc. In short, SEO positioning offers our website many advantages that go beyond finding us in the first position when someone searches for terms related to our website on Google.

We can have a very attractive website that is very functional and intuitive for the user but if we do not appear at the top of Google we are losing half the chances that someone will enter it. That is why it is very important that we know how to use the necessary techniques and tools to be positioned in Google.

Nowadays, if we have a business and we do not appear in the main search results, users will hardly choose us. Are you not one of those whose products or services are among the first 10 search results? That is why, as we know how people work on the internet, it is important to give them what they are looking for in the best possible way.

If you don't know where to start your SEO path, we are going to give you a series of steps you can follow to appear in the first positions of Google. If you are interested in knowing how SEO works, we leave you here some of our other posts talking about it:

How to rank in Google's top 10 results

1. Optimise your website

As we have already said, our website will be the showcase we will have to sell ourselves to users and for them to discover us as a brand. However, if we do not have it optimised, it will not be positioned in Google and this will reduce our visibility and, therefore, business opportunities.

Having our website optimised means making the user's experience on it as easy as possible, as optimal as possible. Some of the things we can do to make this happen is to control the loading speed of our platform: do not include images or videos that are too heavy and that may hinder the quality of the results.

It is also important that our page is optimised both for laptops and for mobile phones or other devices: 42% of users consult information via mobile phones, so our page must also be available for this format. A mistake that many pages make is not having the page prepared for it and when we consult it from a smartphone we cannot see all the elements correctly.

2. Use good keywords

Positioning in Google is also about the keywords we use. Keywords, as their name suggests, are the keywords we use on our page. It is important that in our blog articles, for example, we use terms related to the competencies of our brand and to what the user is looking for.

This way, when a user searches in Google for "inbound marketing" we will appear in the first results if we have made reference to this keyword on our website, so that when they find us in the first results they will know that we are a quality blog that talks about inbound marketing.

3. Create quality content

Being well positioned in Google is a task that requires care and constant work. One day we can be very high in the search results but if we do not take care of our interface and do not create quality content users will enter but will leave again. This will increase our bounce rate and therefore, Google will start to lower us in the results.

We must keep up to date with the main trends and also with our competition to create quality content that is continually updated so that Google does not send us to the pit of results on the second page.

4. Add digital content to your page

Related to the above and to creating quality content for our website, a good tool is digital content. If we incorporate videos, images, infographics, etc. on our website, we will make the user's visual experience more attractive and will help them to better understand how our brand and our work works.

5.Encourage users to interact with the web page.

It is important that the user feels part of our project. We can encourage them to comment on our blog posts, send us suggestions, tell them that we are here to answer their questions, etc. We can also integrate a chatbot on our website to chat with the user live and let them see that we are here to help them: this will make the customer consider us a quality site and so will Google afterwards.

6. Insert links

One of the main criteria that Google takes into account to position a website higher or lower in the search results is the number of blogs that link to it. Therefore, getting authority blogs to link to us will make us go through the roof.

Although this does not depend on us, what we can do is insert links to other articles on our website or to services that are related to what we are talking about. In this way we can guide the user in the reading experience so that they do not have to visit other pages to search for terms or concepts that they have not understood.

7. Buildcustomer loyalty

This is probably the most difficult part as it depends partly on us and partly not. Sometimes users will not choose us as customers or if they do, they will not necessarily remain so over time. However, as far as we are concerned, we must create quality, personalised content and take an interest in it. If customers feel that we take them into account and that their opinion is important to us, they will be loyal to our brand and will serve as an advertising tool for our website.

Now you have all the steps, are you ready to put them into action? Let's get to work!

In short, optimise your website, know your target audience and you will know what they are looking for so you can use good keywords that will lead them to visit your website. Once you have a good positioning on Google, simply work to maintain it. You know what they say... consistency is the key to success!


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