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how to get good positioning on Youtube?

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More and more companies, both small and large, are betting on online video in their SEO strategy due to its potential as an economical and affordable option for everyone. Videos are gradually gaining more importance in positioning over text, more and more users prefer to watch a video than read, the reason is very simple, videos are easier to consume, more entertaining and are extremely easy to share. They are the future of digital marketing as users spend more and more time consuming them. Audiovisual content is already almost 80% of the content consumed on the network. And the number 1 platform for online video consumption is without any doubt: Youtube, and in this, as in google, appearing in the top positions of search results is a very important marketing strategy, especially because youtube is the second most important engine after google.

And just like google, it uses an algorithm to show the results that best match the search that the user has previously performed.

So, no, to appear in the top positions of Youtube it is not enough to upload a video with a catchy title, to get a good positioning on youtube, what we have to do is to optimise our videos, here we show you how:

9 tips to position your youtube video in the top positions

1. The appearance of the channel is what first catches the eye

If your youtube channel is a real mess, it will not give confidence to users and they will identify your brand with a bad image, the first thing is that it is attractive to the eye, aesthetic and with a good use of the colour palette, on the other hand, your name, profile picture and cover must identify your brand, if you put something aesthetic that is not at all identifiable, you will be making a mistake because there will not be that recognition that is what we hope with this. You can set a video in the main part of your profile as a video presentation, ideally a short but striking video that attracts users to subscribe and contains the essence of your channel.

2. Responsive design

Continuing with the above, the design is very important, but on all types of devices as Youtube is a platform widely used on tablets and mobile phones, if your channel or your videos can not be viewed well on other devices, you will lose audience.

3. Key words

To start with the SEO strategy on Youtube, the first step you have to take is to find the right keywords for your channel. For this it is preferable to choose keywords that are not very exploited so that it is easier to lead them, but they also have to have a minimum number of monthly searches for it to be a good strategy.

Keywords will help you define your business and users will know what your videos are about, a good idea to find the best keywords for your business is to do searches on your content as users would do, so we can observe the predictions of youtube. You can even use tools like google trends to see which keywords are trending and how many searches per month have each one.

4. Content

Content is always important to position your videos, because content is what will end up capturing followers and getting subscribers. You must create content that attracts your audience but above all that can satisfy their needs, if your content is not useful to them, they will not look for you anymore. Remember that google positions videos according to the audience interacts with them, so you need your content to be attractive and that they decide to share, comment and interact with your videos.

5. Title

The title is not everything, there is much more behind that you have to take care of, but even so, it is still just as important to have a catchy title adjusting to the search intention of users. The title should be simple but it has to hook, it is not the same to write "homemade pizza" than to write: "the recipe for the best homemade pizza on the internet".

All this taking into account the maximum of 100 characters that youtube allows.

6. Description

A good description must contain the keywords related to the video and its theme, this enriches the video and forms the identity of your video, but it is not necessary to complicate it, a clear and synthetic summary is enough to avoid overloading it. It has to be detailed and take into account the maximum of 250 words that youtube allows.

7. Playlists

The organisation within your youtube channel is very important, classifying your videos by playlists will make it easier to access them and other users will be able to find more related videos that may interest them. This is not the only advantage that youtube gives to playlists, but the playlists themselves appear in search results, so you are helping your channel to increase its visibility.

8. Research your audience

On the youtube platform itself you can get statistics to find out what kind of users are watching your videos, youtube gives you the age range, gender and location from where they watch your videos.

9. Analyse your competition

One of the most important keys to positioning is to analyse your competition in order to be able to compete with them, you have to see what they do and how they do it, but above all you have to analyse the keywords they use, as this is one of the most important techniques in terms of strategy.

10. Audio

Audio is one of the most important things in a video, although it may not seem like it, it is one of the most forgotten when it comes to positioning a video on youtube, but it is one of the things that most influences whether or not users decide to return to the channel to see your content again.

Getting a good positioning in google is easy

In short, getting a good positioning on youtube is not easy but not impossible, and with these nine tips it is much easier, keep in mind the important points, explore them and you will get your youtube video positioned among the top positions.

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