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why is copy so important for your marketing actions?

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Copy or copywriting is written content that a website uses with the intention of attracting its target audience. The brand, for advertising purposes, creates informative texts that invite to action. This is achieved by exposing a series of problems, generating a need for the reader and offering an opportunity to solve it. The copy can be presented in many formats. Among them are voiceovers, graphic texts, scripts or claims, among others. This practice is essential for inbound marketing as it focuses its attention on the user. It increases the relationship between customer-company as empathy and persuasion are present to guide the user through the sales funnel.

The person in charge of designing the messages of the campaign is known as a copywriter, creative strategist or copy marketing. He or she is dedicated to knowing the guidelines of the marketing strategy to adapt the content to the viewer. His or her objective is to achieve a reaction in the user that increases sales and interaction. The figure of the copywriter may seem similar to that of the content writer, but their functions are different. Copy marketing is in charge of seducing users following advertising strategies. On the contrary, the content writer focuses on offering information in a journalistic way.

Benefits of copy

  • Reinforces the brand image.
  • Increases the conversion rate.
  • Conveys credibility in the product/service.
  • Improves SEO positioning.
  • Guarantees customer loyalty.

copy marketing

are copy and caption the same thing?

These marketing techniques are not the same, but they should act in a complementary way. The copy is a text that aims to sell a product, idea or service. It is a striking, urgent and brief content. The main difference with the caption is that the latter is concerned with retaining the reader. While copywriting tries to provoke an immediate action in the user, the caption tries to reinforce a long-term relationship.

Types of copywriting

  • Creative copy: Used in communication agencies, its aim is to position the brand in its sector. It is closely related to the advertising field.
  • Direct response copy: Seduces the consumer to trust the brand and make a purchase.
  • Technical copy: Specialises in content and creates content for a specific audience.
  • Marketing copy: It creates texts based on the consumer's needs in order to offer a solution.
  • SEO copywriting: Positioning the texts of the website among the top positions in search engines.

why is it important to incorporate copy into your business?

Copy is on the rise in digital marketing. It is an update that you can incorporate into your website to increase conversion rates and sales. Reviewing the content you publish allows you to adapt it to the needs of users. It will add a distinctive touch to your marketing strategy, improve customer relations, increase the value of your services and position you correctly in search engines.

where is copywriting applied?

  • Social media.
  • Email marketing.
  • Blogs.
  • Websites.
  • Product and service descriptions.
  • Advertising campaigns.
  • Catalogues.

what do you need to make copy?

  • Knowing the target audience to adapt the message.
  • Create short and concise messages.
  • Differentiate yourself from the competition.
  • Make the reader feel identified with the product or service.
  • Know the brand.

How to make copy

1. Empathise with your target audience

The first step is to know your buyer persona. After this, you must research the brand's prospect, market, audience or customer. It is essential to know data such as their desires, fears, expectations, tastes or type of language used. To find out if you are understanding your customers, it is a good idea to carry out satisfaction surveys and interviews, as well as paying attention to forums and reviews.

copy marketing

2. Define your brand personality

It is important to know your brand image in order to reinforce it. To do this, you must define a communication style or "brand voice". This must be applied correctly in order to be recognisable among the rest of the competition. It can be a rigorous, scientific, sensationalist or even humorous communication.

3. Appeal to emotions

To encourage the user to make a purchase, they should feel identified with the product or service. It is recommended to address them with the second person singular "you" to generate empathy. In addition, you should focus on the needs of the users so that they feel understood. Describing how your product could solve their problem will increase their interest.

4. Decide on the structure of your copy

To include copywriting in your strategy, you must define its structure. There are two main formulas to structure the content:

  • AIDA Formula: Attention, Interest, Desire and Action
  • PAS Formula: Problem, Agitation and Solution.

There are different techniques that guarantee this structuring. For example, adapting the headlines gives value to your proposal and alludes to the problem that the reader may have. In addition, segment the audience by specifying the different topics of interest (ecommerce, SEO, curiosities, etc...).

5. Make the message easy to understand

The content of your website must be attractive and fluid. To achieve this, it is recommended to use the following resources:

  • Storytelling by telling short stories.
  • A recognisable and organised structure.
  • Spoken language to be close to the user.
  • Texts of different lengths to avoid repetitive content.

Include open loops or loops leaving "hanging messages". For example: On the next page you will learn about the latest trends in digital marketing!

6. Take action

Actioning the decision is just as important as structuring the content correctly. To get the user to make a purchase, there are different alternatives:

  • Sense of urgency: The prospect must feel that they have to take action because they may miss the opportunity. The offer must have a limited time frame.
  • Include a call to action: CTAs are specific buttons that invite to an action. Users, when interacting with it, will be redirected to perform an action immediately.

copy marketing

7. Analyse your copy

Once the copy is in place, it should be reviewed frequently to check its performance and success with prospects.

Good copywriting practices

  • Have an affinity with the buyer persona.
  • Offer commitment.
  • Convey confidence in the product or service.
  • Obtain social approval.
  • Generate a need.

Examples of copy

Ikea: It is characterised by appealing to emotions related to the family, the home and its wellbeing. Through its advertisements, it generates an attractive atmosphere for the prospects. In addition, it is accompanied by sentences that are directly and clearly addressed to the viewer.

Coca-Cola: In the brand's advertising spots, the copy is always present. Sometimes, they do not have a voice-over, but they repeat a message, for example "Feel the flavour" or "Uncover happiness". With this campaign, Coca-Cola aims to generate a need in the audience and a guarantee that if they consume their product, their moments will be more special.

Yoigo: This telephone company has a large presence in social networks. Through them, they practice copywriting, encouraging interaction among their followers. They use modern and colloquial language that suits their target audience.

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