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what is the bounce rate and how to improve it?

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We carry out marketing actions with the aim of receiving a response from the user or customer. When we do not receive any response after carrying out an online marketing strategy, we define it as a bounce. It is the absence of the response that a company expected from the user after carrying out a marketing action.

In e-mail marketing, we can call bounces the advertising e-mails that Google deletes because they have been identified as spam. This prevents them from reaching the users, and, therefore, the company does not receive any response.

A high bounce rate can be understood as a low performance of marketing actions. The best way to decrease the bounce rate is to do tests and experiments such as debugging mailing lists, making it easier to navigate through websites, etc.

The bounce rate is the metric that calculates the number of abandonments of a website. In this article we will explain in more depth what the bounce rate is, how to calculate it, and the best tools to improve it.

what is the bounce rate?

The bounce rate is the formula that allows us to see how many users do not find the content of our website interesting and leave it without navigating through any link. There can be many reasons why the user does not find what we offer interesting, either because they have not found what they wanted or because they have found it difficult to navigate.

The bounce rate also serves to measure the level of satisfaction of our users. It indicates the time spent by the user on the network. With this we can determine if it has taken a long time to find what they were looking for, if they have found it immediately or if they have not found it at all and have decided to bounce.

Bouncing consists of leaving the page without having interacted with it. Although it may seem a negative aspect, it is not always so, as it can also lead to the attraction of leads. You can keep the page in mind and return at another time when you will interact with it.

Our goal as a company is to determine what is causing this bounce.

To do this, it is important to calculate the bounce rate or bounce percentage.

How to calculate the bounce rate

The formula for calculating the bounce rate is very clear and simple:

Bounce rate = Number of users who leave the page without interacting / Total number of users on the website

In this way, if we divide the number of users who leave our landing page without any interaction by the total number of users on our website, we can calculate the bounce rate. For example, if there are 50 users who have left my website without any interaction, and the total number of users on my website is 100, the bounce rate will be 50%.

There are different reasons why a user may bounce. Here are some of them:

  • Clicking to another website.
  • Going back to leave my website.
  • Closing the browser tab.
  • Entering a new URL in the browser.

It is also possible to bounce if the user stops interacting with the page and is cancelled due to inactivity. In these cases the session expires if the user spends more than an hour without interacting with our website.

It is necessary to create a strategy to improve the bounce rate of our website.

How to improve the bounce rate

We must think that, for any business strategy, whatever it is, we must establish key points that improve or provide solutions to problems. To improve the bounce rate we have established the following points:

  1. Review of analytics: We must continuously review our analytics in our database. It is this information that will tell us the number of visits to our page and the time spent by our users on them. This will help to create actions to reduce the bounce rate.
  2. Improved navigation and content. We must establish a website that is easy to navigate, and we must also include quality content that the user can easily find. These two tools go hand in hand, as good navigation that includes interesting content will improve the user's experience.
  3. Images that match the text: Visual elements are very important for the user. We must include eye-catching images that attract the customer's attention. It is essential that these images are arranged throughout the web page in accordance with the text that is included.
  4. Scannable text: Having text that can be scanned is very useful in practice. It is vital to offer content that is easy to interpret and attractive to visitors to the site.
  5. Good customer service. Answering the user's queries whenever they have one is vital. A good relationship with the customer will contribute to the customer having a better opinion of our brand and wanting to work with us.
  6. Include links on the page. It is essential to include links on your web page. You give the user more content options. The possibility of jumping from one link to another more easily will mean that the bounce rate is not so high.
  7. Be careful when including pop-ups and advertisements. Pop-ups and advertisements are excellent tools to increase the conversion rate of a page, but sometimes they can be annoying for the user. Avoid including too many of these elements on the page, because the user will be overwhelmed and will not want to stay on the page.
  8. Good use of the CTA. The CTA or call to action is very important to let the user know what is the next step he has to do. A good CTA, making short and fragile texts and creating emergency will make the user want to go to the next step.

The bounce rate is very easy to calculate. This option already allows us to obtain data that will help us in the future to improve the user experience on our website. In this post we have left you very useful tools to reduce and improve this bounce rate. Take advantage of all these tools and make your user never want to leave your page!

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