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what is Pagerank and how to increase it?

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If you have a marketing strategy, an online business or an ecommerce, it is clear that you know what SEO positioning is , as this is achieved due to a series of factors that Google takes into account, in this post we are going to talk about Pagerank, which has a lot to do with the positioning of your website. If you want to improve it and climb steps within the Google results, keep reading!

what is Pagerank?

Pagerank is a score made by Google for a web page that influences the positioning of the same, as it is one of the most important algorithms of the company, this was launched in 1999 and consisted of measuring the importance and quality of a web page in a range from 0 to 10.

Pagerank works in a very similar way to SCI, which measures the importance of different scientific publications by determining their relevance and influence. Pagerank is the same applied to the web world, the value of a web page is determined through the links granted by another website, also taking into account other factors such as the quality and importance of the website. The creation of Pagerank had a very decisive impact on the way in which the popularity of a website was approached, thus increasing the obsession to get as many links as possible.

To establish the Pagerank rating, Google takes several factors into account:

  • Total page views
  • Quality
  • Content value
  • Update frequency
  • Design
  • Loading speed
  • Responsive design

how does it work?

What Google does is to score each page from 0 to 10 according to a scale in which the links have a great influence. Not all these links are worth the same, as Google has three characteristics to evaluate them:

  1. Firstly, the first thing Google takes into account is the quantity of links.
  2. On the other hand we have the quality of these links, as there may be many, but if they are not of quality, it matters little.
  3. The context in which the clicks that the page receives take place.

This means that if authoritative websites that have a good Pagerank link to us, we will also get our Pagerank to rise and with it we will climb positions within the SEO positioning, thus getting to appear in the top positions of Google.

On the other hand, the fact that we are linked to by pages with low rankings will have little influence on us.

Until a year ago, it was very easy to find out our Pagerank and that of other pages, you only had to search for platforms such as, where the rating given by Google would appear. Today, Google has stopped making this data public, which translates into a great loss of information within any SEO positioning strategy.

how can I improve my Pagerank?

If we can no longer even see the public data of our Pagerank, what can we do to improve it?

First of all we have to take into account that the most important factor within the Pagerank is the quality of the links we receive, so we have to focus all our efforts on getting pages that are well valued by Google to link us to their website. But you don't only have to focus on this, there is much more, we leave you with a list of tips to improve your Pagerank.

  1. Technical optimisation
    When we talk about technical SEO, we are referring to the practices that allow us to build a base within the classification of our website in general. Some of these practices have to do with the optimization of titles or meta tags, as well as simplifying the code to optimize the loading time of our platform, we also include in these practices everything related to the keywords that facilitate the indexing of the content.

  2. Optimise the design and user experience
    It is not only important that technically our website has well indexed content and is easy to find within the web positioning, it is important that users are happy once they have entered our website, the design not only has to be attractive to them, but there must be a web usability that allows users to find what they need, so the design has to be simple, visitors will perceive it and want to use the website again.

  3. Quality content
    Within the search engines, providing quality content is extremely important for the SEO strategy to be effective. This is related to the first point, you have to combine a good technical SEO with quality content because users on the internet are looking for content that is relevant and helps them. That is why Google will reward those pages that achieve it, the only goal of Google is to satisfy its users with the information they are looking for. So it will reward quality content by making the page rank higher in the Pagerank. It is also important that the valuable content you publish is published frequently on your website and other channels of dissemination to which you have access.

  4. Links
    As we said before, once a page is correctly classified thanks to its keywords, the next thing to take into account is the quantity and quality of external links pointing to our website. The best thing you can do to get quality websites to link to you is to generate valuable content with high informative value, you can also disseminate articles on third party sites and publish interviews with experts and other important information for the audience within your blog.

  5. CTAs
    By adding your content to your social networks and other platforms, you will promote your content even more, which boosts the trust of your website, apart from the visits, which improves your positioning.

Having a good position within the Pagerank is important for your inbound marketing strategy, as it helps you to position yourself organically in the first positions of Google, so make an effort and get good content so that authority pages link you and you get to climb like the foam.

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