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what is website authority and how to increase it?

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If you have an online business, what is clear is that you have heard of SEO positioning, it is one of the most important aspects within a website since with it what we get is to position our site in search engines, thus, what we are achieving is that more user traffic, which will increase our conversion rate and with it, the number of customers and sales.

what is the difference between Domain Authority and Page Authority?

First of all, let's start by defining what domain authority is, this is an indicator that measures the authority, quality and credibility of a website from 1 to 100. In other words, domain authority corresponds to the relevance that a domain or web page has with respect to the rest of the pages. With this metric, what we are achieving is to improve our organic positioning in the different search engines. This is one of the main values within any SEO strategy, so the higher this authority is, the more chances you have of appearing in the top positions of Google.

On the other hand, we have page authority, which is another indicator that also measures the authority, quality and credibility of a website, but in this case it is measured independently of its domain.

how can we measure it?

There is a tool called Open Site Explorer that allows you to know the domain authority and the authority of a page for free, and you get it by inserting the URL of the website you want to measure. There is another tool called Mozbar, both created by Moz, with it you can install an extension in Chrome and Firefox, browse the internet freely and with the extension you can see the domain authority and page authority of each of the web pages you visit.

which is more important, domain authority or page authority?

Comparing both definitions, we can see that they are very similar and differ in small aspects. We can see that domain authority focuses, redundantly, on the domain, that is, on the whole of a website, while page authority only focuses on a single web page, regardless of the domain to which it belongs. As is logical after this distinction, it is important to have a good domain authority as it encompasses the company in general. But there is no one more important than the other, since what we must achieve is a good harmony between the two so that the organic positioning of our page works.

Advantages of the authority of your website

  1. Improve the visibility of your website
    With this metric, one of the aspects that will improve the fastest, will be the web positioning, so the higher the authority, the more power within google and therefore better SEO positioning and more traffic to our website.

  2. More visits by Google
    The higher your domain authority, the more likely it is that Google will visit your website and cache it. This is also a positive factor in SEO positioning, as the more times the Google bot visits your website, the more likely it is that your website will reach the top positions.

  3. It helps you with the most competitive keywords
    When we are going to position a certain keyword, we must first investigate our competition to know if it will be a simple process of positioning or not. And thanks to the authority of the domain, you will be able to position words that are normally more complicated due to the great competition that exists.

  4. Improve indexation
    Google search engines will crawl more easily the web pages that have a higher domain authority, if you get Google to visit your page before, what you are really getting is that your contents appear before the search engine than those of the competition, which generates more traffic and therefore a better position.

how to increase the authority of your website?

Now that we know what domain and page authority is, its importance and its advantages, let's find out how to increase this authority in a series of steps

  1. Create a consistent structure
    This is one of the most important points, you must take into account that your home page, your secondary pages and your landing pages must have a good architecture between them, their relationship is essential within your website as it allows a more fluid navigation for the user. A consistent and coherent structure within your site is one of the most overlooked aspects when designing a website, but one of the most important as it directly influences our SEO positioning.

  2. Generate quality content
    If the content you are generating on your website and your blog is of quality, what you are ensuring is that users perceive it as content of great value and increase the dissemination by other blogs and social networks, thus improving the positioning, it is one of the most effective ways to increase the authority of your site, of course, adding a good dissemination of this quality content.

  3. Social media
    Over the years, social media has become one of the most fundamental aspects in determining the average authority of your domain. Therefore, every time the content of your website is shared on social networks, what you are automatically gaining is authority, as well as increasing traffic to the page.

  4. Get quality links
    This could be considered the most important aspect to increase the authority of a domain, what we need is that authority blogs link to us, and as long as they are pages with the same theme and language, Google will relate both sites as quality sites.

A good domain authority improves your SEO positioning, all are advantages when it comes to converting thanks to having a good page authority, so do not wait any longer and follow our tips to optimise your website to the maximum and increase sales.

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