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what is a remarketing strategy?

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Remarketing is the advertising method based on ads that will only be seen by people who have previously visited your website. It tries to recover the interaction with users who have not yet registered or purchased. The goal is to accompany them to the purchase process. It is about your precepts and leads becoming customers. This task falls to the marketing team, re-engaging the audience that is in the process of interaction.

This strategy, also known as retargeting, basically involves creating personalised advertising campaigns for users who have previously visited your website, e-commerce or other content. If you want to continue reading about remarketing from the Google Ads tool, read our blog article.

As soon as they are aware of your website or social networks, they have overcome the attraction - it is clear that they are interested in something about your company, find out what! As a customer attractor, it is your turn to interact. In a calm way, an invasion can provoke a rejection. We will show you different methods that can help you.


    Website remarketing allows you to show ads to users based on their browsing habits. For example, the pages visited, the types of products viewed or whether they have added items to a shopping cart or tagged products or services. By creating audiences based on these actions, you can reach them through social networks or multiple websites. This is why it is so important to perfect domain authority, the indicator that measures the authority, quality and credibility of a website.

    Email remarketing campaigns use information based on user behaviour, allowing advertisers to create personalised campaigns. But you can also use the email list to create remarketing ads to send to the social networks and pages your users visit. After the visit, marketers can obtain browsing information through cookies - small files that track the behaviour and behaviour of each individual consumer.

    Show ads only to previous visitors as they browse the web. This can be somewhat annoying or invasive, so dynamic remarketing personalises each ad impression you show to your customers. This ensures that each time a user sees your ad, they will return to the product or content they are interested in. The idea gets in their head, but you are not pushy with a single product. With pop-up ads, the goal is to make the user remember the company more than the product.

    With this method, the brand can be present all day long, wherever users go. The audience is targeted on mobile devices through banner ads, interstitial ads and even video ads for mobile applications on social networks.

  5. CTA
    A call to action can be used as a tool for remarketing. Attracting customers is a constant process, so it is necessary to get their attention. Surprising them with a click, where they can be redirected to another service or product facilitates the navigation process within your website. The Call To Action (CTA) is able to promote an offer and link to a landing page or landing page successfully.

    Offering a tab in which to communicate with the user in real time to resolve doubts or incidents, helps to redirect the user in the process of buying a product or service. In addition, the personalisation of the sales staff will make them feel more comfortable and closer to your company. They also improve loyalty, brand image and conversion data.

Keep in mind that the target of remarketing are not new customers, but existing ones - so, most likely they are familiar with your company - in this way, you take care of your link with them so that they continue to trust you.

Keeping your customers up to date with all your news is crucial. Moreover, you must do it in a totally personalised way, as you know their preferences. It is very important that you show closeness and humanity, so that they continue to feel special. A very simple but successful way is to remember their name, some of their details or recommend products or services based on their previous purchases.

Another case may be users who know your website or social networks, but have not yet started their buying process. This type of audience is at the stage about to enter the decision phase. These users are likely to click on an ad that redirects them to the landing page. So it is important that our page is adequate - you do not invite anyone to eat at your house if it is dirty, right? - landing pages play a key role in the conversion rate, because it produces very good results. They have a great ability to increase user traffic.

Retargeting is easy to combine with other marketing strategies such as blogging, content creation, advertisements... The results obtained are fast, effective and targeted and, most importantly, they focus on increasing sales and conversions as well as leads. One of the main objectives when starting an Inbound Marketing campaign is customer loyalty.

The more your customers get to know you in depth, the closer and more loyal they will be to your brand. This is promoted with a bond of trust, so you have to keep in touch periodically, so that they remember you - or, at least remember the experience with you. Continuity should not be confused with intensity, it is crucial to limit the amount of times our ads are shown to the same user. If you do not control this, your ads can have a negative impact on users and make them get tired of your company.

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