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how to know the key words of a text?

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If you have an online business, you will know perfectly well that one of the most important elements is SEO positioning, and within this SEO, the most important thing is to choose the right keywords for our texts to be able to position our website well. In this post we explain everything about keywords, you will come out knowing perfectly which words are key within your text.

what are keywords?

We can define keywords as terms that are used in search engines to express all the information that users are looking for on the internet. Keywords are terms that internet users use on platforms such as Google to find what they want to find on the internet.

These keywords are the key technique in any SEO strategy, with them you can optimize in any search engine, so it is very important to apply the keywords in a strategic way, to know which ones are used more frequently and for which searches.

how to find keywords in a text?

  1. Extension
    Keywords are always single words, usually short, never whole sentences. They are short general concepts that an internet user would normally type when doing a Google search. That is why they are short concepts, the internet user is more likely to type a short word than a whole sentence.

  2. Frequency
    In each paragraph there is a keyword, this is not a general rule, but it is very likely. By including the key concepts in the paragraphs, the text will be easier for the reader and he will be more attracted to read what he was looking for. It will make him stick to the text.

  3. Skimming and scanning

    With this we are doing a quick reading in which we find the most relevant information. If we think well about the keywords and distribute them well throughout the text, we will achieve that when reading a text, we will know what it is about.

    It is also a very good and effective technique to highlight the keywords, for example, in bold, so that we know that these are the most relevant ones.

  4. Concepts
    We have to analyse what are the fundamental concepts within a text, these would be nouns, the most characteristic actions, verbs or adjectives.

  5. Connecting points
    We have to take into account the concluding sentences in a text, because after it we will find an important term.

  6. Lines
    Normally, key words are found in the first or second line of a paragraph, and it is very common for this to be repeated in several paragraphs.

Free keyword researchtools

Here we are going to show you a series of tools that allow you to search for keywords.

1. Google Keyword Planner: This is the most common tool when it comes to finding the right keywords for your website. It tells you how many searches a specific keyword has per month in google. This helps you to decide which keywords to use, if you want to use a word and you find that it has 0 searches per month in google, you will have to think of another word.

This tool has the advantage that it is a google proprietary tool, so the data it provides on searches is much more reliable than if the tool was from any other platform.

To use this tool you must follow the following steps:

  • Sign in to Google Keyword Planner
  • Select an account that is linked to Google Ads
  • Go to: Tools → Settings → Keyword Planner
  • After this you will have two options:

On the one hand, discover new keywords, and on the other hand, check search volume and forecasts.

2. Google Trends: This is another tool also created by Google and the objective it has is very specific: the evolution of searches for a specific keyword over time.

This helps us to see if a keyword is positive, this helps us a lot within our website or our blog. If, however, it appears that the trend of the keyword is negative, we should not use that keyword within our website.

To use this tool you only have to follow these steps:

  • Go to google trends
  • Enter keyword, dates and country
  • Consult the results

With this tool you will also be able to compare several words, that is to say, to know if a set of keywords would be effective to position your brand or if you have to change some of them to achieve an effective SEO strategy.

If we use these two tools together, our strategy will be much more effective since we will be able to know on the one hand the trend of a keyword and on the other hand its volume of searches in the last month.

3. Google Search Console: This tool, which like the previous two is a Google tool, indicates the keywords for which users enter your website. That is, with this you will find out which keywords you should exploit more and which ones are not doing you any good because users do not find your website thanks to them.

To use this tool, you must follow the following steps:

  • Access Google Search Console.
  • Select one of the properties you have linked.
  • Go to "Search results".
  • Here you will be able to find a list with the keywords that users find you on the web.
4.Ubersuggest: This tool is free and is focused on finding long tail keywords from a keyword, that is, you will also find new quality words that you can use on your website.

To use this tool you only have to follow these steps:

  • Access Ubersuggest
  • Enter the keyword from which you want to find new long tail suggestions + the country in which you want to find them.
  • With the results right under your nose you will be able to decide which keywords could be relevant for your website.

In addition, this tool includes graphs in which we can see the volume of visits in "mobile" and those in "desktop" in recent months. Again, like the previous ones, this tool does not provide information on monthly searches, so combining it with Google Keyword Planner, would be the best option.

In conclusion, it is very simple and it is in everyone's hand to find out which keywords to use within each web page, you just have to use the right tools and get to see which keywords will bring you a better SEO positioning for your website.

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