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Tools to become an SEO specialist

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In digital marketing, search engine optimisation or SEO is one of the main strategies that are carried out. Getting to be among the first results of search engines is not an easy task, but it is not impossible either.

We know that this technique is fundamental, and that is why today we bring you a list of the best tools to help you with this task and to become an SEO specialist. Don't miss this reading to discover them all!

SEO Tools

  1. semrush

For many, this is the tool par excellence for SEO work. It is one of the best known in the digital marketing sector because it offers a wide variety of features to work and develop a search engine positioning strategy.

Semrush stands out for having a tool for competition analysis, making it ideal for analysing and comparing data that will help you gather information about your competitors.

Its functionalities include tools for auditing, developing a linkbuilding strategy, carrying out keyword research, consulting statistics, etc.

Semrush is not free, but it has three plans depending on your needs: Pro (beginners), Guru (SMEs) and Business (large companies).


  1. google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free application from Google that allows you to monitor and optimise your website. This service helps you to monitor, maintain and fix problems that may appear on your website, as well as improve your website's presence in search results.

With this tool you can know how your site is displayed and what you need to improve to get a better position in Google SERP . This is very important, because if your website is not displayed, you don't exist. Moreover, you don't need to have technical knowledge to use this platform and become an SEO specialist.

The main functionalities of this tool are:

  • uRL inspection, indexing pages in Google, reindexing if you have made changes and checking for errors.
  • error detection
  • identify the keywords or keyword by which users arrive at your website
  • usability review
  • identify internal and external links
  1. ubersuggest

This tool is designed and created to help you with keywords. One of the main challenges of SEO is to find the right keywords, and therefore this application is ideal to solve this problem.

The operation of this platform is simple, since by entering the keyword in its search engine it shows you suggestions of combinations, related, questions, comparisons and prepositions. The search can be a simple keyword, that is, a single term, usually the main one, or a long tail. It also shows you its search volume, its SEO difficulty, the cost per click (CPC) and the competition.

Ubersuggest allows you to do 3 free searches per day, but for unlimited access you must subscribe to one of its three plans.

  1. google Page Speed Insights

It may be one of the least known of this list, but it is one of Google's essential tools. It is focused on providing data on the performance of web pages and giving suggestions for improvement. In other words, this tool allows you to make a diagnosis of your website to determine whether it is well optimised.

Page Speed Insights is very easy to use since you only have to log in, enter the URL of your website and wait for it to examine it. The best part is that you can examine your competitors' websites.

Its main functionalities are:

  • the loading speed of a website is very important for the user experience (UX) and positioning.
  • optimisation: Rate your website from 0 -100 to see if you follow Google's recommended performance practices: Good (80-100), medium (60-79) and low (less than 59).
  • optimisation tips: A list of best practices that you can apply to your site to improve your results.
  1. ahrefs

This is another ideal SEO tool that allows you to see all the backlinks of any website or URL, but it also has functions such as: studying your competitors' links, identifying broken links and tracking those that have been removed, carrying out SEO audits, analysing traffic, web monitoring, among others.

Ahrefs is not free, depending on your needs you can hire its different packages: Lite, Standard, Advanced and Agency. You can take a 7-day free trial.

  1. google Analytics

The last tool we present in this list. Just as Semrush is one of the tools par excellence for SEO, Google Analytics is one of the tools par excellence for extracting analytics from your website. And the best thing about this tool is that it is free.

In the digital marketing sector, a fundamental part is to measure and control all the actions and strategies that are implemented, because you can't improve anything you don't measure. You need to analyse your campaigns to know if you are doing well or if you need to make changes.

Thanks to Google Analytics you can measure

  • bounce rate
  • average session duration
  • data of the users that come to your website
  • recurring visits
  • sEM and SEO campaign tracking
  • number of page views


Obviously there are many more metrics that you can analyse, we have presented the most common ones to measure user activity on your website.

Throughout this post we have presented the best tools for you to become an SEO specialist, now it's time for you to investigate which ones are best suited to your needs, although the best is the combination of several of them, because as you have read, not all of them serve the same purpose.

we hope you've enjoyed reading this and that we've helped you!

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