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How to embed a video in HubSpot

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Video information is easier to remember. It can be shared in a jiffy. It improves SEO. Shall we continue?

A video is worth more than a thousand words. 80% of what your customers see stays in their memory, and if it touches them, it stays with them forever. That's why more and more brands are using them in their marketing strategies, either to accompany their blog posts, to launch them on social networks, or to support their content strategy. Video is perfect for everything and everyone.

Video is perfect for everything and everyone. Don't think about the size of your company, all businesses can develop video marketing and make it viral. But many brands don't know how to integrate video with their campaign, and that's why we're going to tell you how you can add it to your content with HubSpot.

are you up for it?

1, 2, 3..., 5 steps to add a video in HubSpot

You can do it, that's the important thing. Add videos with CTAs and forms to your landing pages, website and blog posts, and your users will appreciate it. And the video results that HubSpot provides, too. Here's a ration of metrics:

  • Viewing time
  • Average duration
  • Completion rate
  • Audience retention
  • Clickthrough
  • Reactions
  • Number of live viewers
  • Negative comments
  • Increase in subscribers
  • Top location and audience
  • Replay rate
  • Bounce rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Who watches your video
  • Repeat views
  • Interaction

Let's continue with the main course: add videos to your HubSpot content using Vidyard. What is it? A digital marketing application perfect for measuring the impact of your videos in a marketing strategy. To embed them in one of your pages, posts or articles, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your HubSpot account. Browse your blogs, pages or bases. Got it?
  2. Find the place where you want to embed your video. If it supports the content of the article, all the better. Make sense to embed it.
  3. Clickon the video icon in the toolbar (haven't you enabled the video features? You are prompted to enable the integration and agree to Vidyard's terms of service).
  4. see the dialogue box? Click Activate new features. Each user has to do this in their own account. And don't worry if you already have videos hosted on Vimeo or YouTube, HubSpot allows you to migrate them.
  5. Click on the video you want to embed on the page in the 'Embed video' panel. Do this only for videos where it says 'Allow embedding, sharing and tracking enabled'. If you prefer, you can also click on 'Upload videos' to add a new file.

If video is king and CTAs push users towards conversion, what happens if you combine the two tools? Let's see..

can you add CTAs and forms to a video?

HubSpot's platform has said 'yes' to video across the board, and here are the steps you need to follow to add a CTA or form to your video productions:

  1. Go into the content editor and click on video and Edit.
  2. Select Call to Action or Form (when clear) in the dialogue box.
  3. To create a new CTA or form for the video, click Create CTA or Create Form.
  4. when do you want it to be displayed - before the video starts or before the video ends?

With a smartphone and a bit of creativity, you have the two main tools to run your company's video marketing. Learn all the possibilities with HubSp

And now, analyse the performance of your audiovisual pieces

All the metrics we mentioned above can come in handy to measure their impact. To analyse them, navigate to your blog, landing page, etc., click on the name of a specific post you made with video content and see the views and retention it has had. If you want to filter these metrics, you can go to the drop-down menu and click on All videos. Select the one you are interested in.

Video marketing: the ideal partner for your Inbound strategy

In an Inbound Marketing strategy, a wide variety of content is generated: posts, eBooks, guides, newsletters, infographics... All for and to captivate and captivate our audience. We have moved from the post to the interactive video. Since the birth of the Inbound methodology, the publication of articles in blogs has been used as the main way to generate traffic. But something has changed?

We have evolved, and the data indicate that video pieces have enormous potential in terms of visibility, viralisation and interactivity. It improves the relationship or engagement between clients and brands, favouring their loyalty. That's what comes with being the most consumed format on the internet.

Audiovisual pieces give wings to creativity and are perfect to captivate the attention of generations Y - Z. An irreversible change in the way people consume content has been produced-produces-will be produced. Audiovisual culture is part of our daily lives, and the demand for online video has been growing and growing at an unstoppable rate for the last decade.

isn't watching a video more comfortable than reading a text? With a brain designed to retain audiovisual information, words are superfluous, which is perhaps why millennials nod their heads when they watch video (tutorials-explanatory-web series-headlines-corporate-visuals-rolls-motion graphics-testimonials-events-cinemagraphs-360).

Online video doesn't just live on YouTube - make room for it, it's the perfect companion for your marketing campaigns.

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