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what should I take into account when hiring my audiovisual production company?

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Taking the step as a company towards hiring your audiovisual production company to promote your business is a sure success, but although it is a good decision, it cannot be taken lightly, you have to take many things into account and you have to analyse very well the audiovisual production company you want to hire, it has to have certain basic characteristics that should be requirements to hire any production company.

Factors you should take into account before hiring an audiovisual production company

So don't just look at their portfolio, a good audiovisual production company should have a long list of factors that we will highlight below:

  • Trustworthiness

A good company must be known for its good services and have a good review within the streaming world. If a production company provides confidence due to its good work, it will give an image of professionalism and quality that is essential to entrust a video that later will be the image of our own company.

  • Experience

It is one of the most important requirements since the experience of a production company provides knowledge, the more experience the company has, the better their work will be each time as they will have learned from previous mistakes.

  • Prestige

It is not only important that the production company you are going to entrust your corporate video to is a company known for its work, it is also very important to check their website and read the evaluations that other clients have had in order to find out if they recommend them, if they work well with them, if there is communication, quality of materials, etc.

  • Communication

Communication with the production company is a very important point as they are in charge of creating a video that defines our business, so we must agree on the image we want to project, because any communication failure can lead to giving an erroneous image of our business that does not correspond with our ideals or with the image we want the client to have of us.

If, for example, we want to give an image that our business has very good prices as well as good quality, and in the video we give the impression that quality is expensive, we will fail to attract that "low cost" audience of small companies that cannot afford to pay large amounts for a corporate video.

  • Creativity

In this digital era where recording a video is literally at our fingertips with our mobile phone, it is increasingly difficult to stand out among all the audiovisual products that are created every day.

Many times you have an idea of what you want in your corporate video but you can't think of how to carry it out, so one of the characteristics that an audiovisual production company should have is that creativity that many businesses surely need.

If an experienced production company doesn't have the capacity to come up with new ideas, it's probably not the one you're looking for.

  • Budgets

A very good point that will appeal to all kinds of audiences is that there is a good variety of budgets, from affordable budgets for small businesses to packs that include more options and are higher.

So something important before choosing your audiovisual production company is to establish what your budget is and then move from one production company to another. A good production company will inform you about what you can and can't do with the budget you have and will try to adapt to you.

  • Supports and media

To get a good result, it is not enough to have good budgets and creativity, a good audiovisual production company must have a good technical and human team, if the cameras are old and the supports are mediocre, the final result will end up being just as mediocre.

If an audiovisual production company does not invest in having a good team when it is the driving force behind its day-to-day business, there is something wrong.

  • Vertical integration

This is not an essential feature as any of the others, but it brings many benefits. The fact that the same company is in charge of producing the video, converting it into a final product and broadcasting it is a plus that can help us a lot when choosing one production company or another. If the production company integrates the three, communication will be easier since you will not have to keep changing companies to communicate, besides, they will know the product better if they are dealing with it from the first moment and they will know first hand what the essence of the product is.

In conclusion, choosing an audiovisual production company is not an easy job, you have to take many things into account beforehand to choose one or another, this can be a tedious and time-consuming job as you have to compare one production company with another until you find the one that best suits you, but it is much better to invest that time than choosing a production company a bit at random or choosing it because it is fairly well known in the sector and then having to change to another due to the amount of problems it has caused you.

But then, should I hire an audiovisual production company? Isn't it enough that the company itself does all this?

The answer is clear, hiring an audiovisual production company is a resounding yes for many reasons, firstly, they will always have more technical knowledge and better equipment. They will make a professional audiovisual production that will be better adapted to the standards of the competition. Besides, they know how to address your target audience and in what format they should do it. And most importantly, they will help you in the most complicated phase, which is the dissemination and distribution of the project, not only because they can use their communication channels, but because an audiovisual production company knows where, how and when to distribute a corporate video so that it reaches the largest number of people and that these people are the company's target audience.

To sum up, hiring an audiovisual production company is a sure hit with which you will end up saving money, time and problems, but you have to be very clear about what you want in order to choose the one that best suits your business.

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