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what is relationship marketing and what is it for in my strategy?

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Since the advent of inbound marketing, customers have become the focus of any marketing strategy, which is why the new ways of marketing have had to reinvent themselves to be able to fully address the customer who is the one who will truly make our business successful or not.

what is relationship marketing?

By relationship marketing we are referring to marketing that uses a series of techniques and actions that improve communication with our potential customers in order to guide them through the buying process or sales funnel. On the other hand, we also use relationship marketing with existing customers to remain in their minds and encourage their loyalty, thus accompanying them through the long customer life cycle.

If you need something from someone, it will be much better to ask for it if you already have confidence in that person, if you ask for something from someone you have never had contact with, it will be very difficult for them to give in. This is exactly what relationship marketing is for, with which you can get to know your customers and establish a bond and a relationship with them.

This marketing is the opposite of transactional marketing, which is a discipline based on commercial strategies that aim to sell by focusing on the product. It is product-oriented marketing because it is based on the exchange and transaction of goods and services.

what is the sales funnel?

The sales funnel (or sales funnel) is the way in which a company or business establishes methods to contact different users in order to achieve a final objective. This objective can be to fill in a form, obtain a sale or customer, etc.

This commercial funnel or sales funnel is clearly divided into three distinct stages:

  1. Tofu (Top of the funnel)
    Here we are at the top of the funnel, where we have more user traffic, in this phase we will dedicate ourselves to create and distribute content that helps users to generate awareness of how necessary it is to have our products or how important it is to hire our services. At this stage the user is not yet considering purchasing our product, but we have generated a stimulus in him that drives him, at least, to become more interested in the subject. All this is achieved by publishing all kinds of content, blog posts, posts on social networks, articles ... all these aimed directly at the corresponding buyer persona.

  2. Mofu (Middle of the funnel)
    This is the middle part of the funnel, it is the conversion phase where visitors to our website start to become leads, they are already familiar with our product and thanks to this they have become potential customers. With our content in this phase what we must achieve is to push our user towards total conversion. By offering this content, what we achieve is to exchange interests.

  3. Bofu (Bottom of the funnel)
    This phase is the bottom of the funnel, here we must differentiate ourselves from our competitors, what we get with the content of this stage is to make users understand that our product or service is the best to meet their needs. Through all kinds of strategies such as recommendations, free samples, and others, we must convince our customers and make them understand that they have to choose us and why.

what are the objectives of relationship marketing?

The main objective is to achieve customer loyalty and customer loyalty thanks to the satisfaction they feel. Any company will improve its results the more loyal customers it has. But this is not the only objective of relationship marketing. It is also to know the customer, yes, knowing everything about your buyer persona and your real customers, you will know what content they want at what time and it will be much easier to achieve the first objective, to make them loyal. With this you will have relevant information to use in future marketing strategies to accompany them to the end of the sales funnel.

Advantages of relationship marketing

Now that we know what relationship marketing is and what its objectives are, let's talk about the advantages it brings to our marketing strategy.

  1. You convert visitors into customers.
    Relationship marketing starts its strategy with the contact with visitors or users, you have to do your best to interact with them and start a relationship. This is how a simple visitor begins to have a positive brand image, being more predisposed in the future to become a customer.

  2. Customers increase consumption
    It is not only good for new customers, if you have a solid relationship with your brand's existing customers, you will increase their average ticket, because with relationship marketing, what you will be doing is sending them content related to their needs. Only if you establish a good relationship with the customer you will get what you are looking for. But you should not overdo it because you can get the opposite effect if you are intrusive.

  3. Brandlovers
    Thanks to relationship marketing, it is very likely that you get the customer to become an ambassador of your brand, yes, as you read it, a satisfied customer will not only buy your product or service, but will be an excellent promoter of your brand. With the relationship you create an empathy that becomes a marketing partnership. Already conquered customers will convince new ones to be conquered by your brand.

how to apply it to your strategy?

  1. Post-sales email
    This is a highly recommended technique that makes the customer who has just purchased a product feel welcome. You should send the email a couple of days after they have purchased the product. In addition to making it clear that you are at their disposal for anything, it is also a good idea to offer them some support for their product or service.

  2. Interact in networks
    A relationship is a two-way thing, don't expect the customer to interact with you only on social media, you should do it too, leave a positive comment or share a post they have uploaded, any positive interaction creates a relationship of loyalty.

  3. Reward engagement
    A special discount or an offer for being loyal to your brand is a good idea, as you will get customers to stay by your side and new customers will want to build loyalty to get these benefits.

In conclusion, relationship marketing is very important within our marketing strategy as it helps us to create a bond with the customer that will bring us numerous benefits.

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