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what is guerrilla marketing?

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Guerrilla marketing is an advertising strategy that uses a series of techniques considered unconventional, such as creativity, ingenuity and innovation. These three factors are used to achieve certain objectives without having to invest large amounts of money in advertising space. Now we will tell you more.

what does guerrilla marketing aim to achieve?

Guerrilla marketing aims to leave its mark in the minds of consumers. It differs from other marketing tactics because it aims to achieve this through actions that are innovative and can become viral. In addition, it requires very little investment in terms of money, so it is a very good strategy for small companies that cannot afford large investments.

On the other hand, just as it does not require a large monetary investment, it does require an investment in ingenuity and creativity. It is not easy to catch people's attention, it takes a lot of work and very good ideas, but in the long run it brings great benefits.

what are the benefits of guerrilla marketing?

  1. low investment: As we have just mentioned, guerrilla marketing doesn't require a large monetary investment; in fact, you can achieve impressive results while spending little money, which is a great benefit and will surely increase your ROI .
  2. you achieve goals - this type of marketing allows you to achieve all kinds of goals, from short-term to long-term objectives .
  3. increased visibility. The visibility of the brand will be greatly increased as if you were using traditional advertising, with the difference that the investment is much lower .
  4. better position against the competition and greater impact. You manage to generate a greater impact on the public thanks to the fact that your strategy is based on taking into account human psychology and impacting potential customers from there.
  5. you highlight the creative side of the brand. The public will see your company as an innovative and creative brand, and this will boost your brand image and your online reputation.
  6. you can go viral - the content you are generating is often designed to go viral, take advantage of this and people will get to know your brand through a single advertisement.

¿Qué es el marketing de guerrilla?

what types of guerrilla marketing are there?

There are several ways in which guerrilla marketing can be classified, but here are the most important ones:

  • ambient marketing , also known as ambient advertising, consists of taking over a space, no matter whether it is indoors or outdoors, transforming it and sending an advertising message related to the brand or product .
  • experimental: The main objective of this type of marketing is that the public itself interacts with it, that is, it directly involves the consumer and makes them live a creative experience, something that not only creates a link between them and the brand, but is much more memorable than seeing an advertisement on a simple billboard .
  • Performance: Also known as flashmobs, performance actions are advertising actions carried out in a specific space by a group of people in order to attract the attention of whoever is there, usually a group of people who, out of nowhere, perform an unexpected action, such as a musical.
  • Viral: There are two types of viral actions: online actions that are done directly to go viral, such as the Ice Bucket Challenge, to raise awareness of ALS in 2014; and offline actions that also go viral on social networks, even if they are not an audiovisual element.
  • Covert advertising: This technique is as old as advertising itself, but we are seeing more and more of it nowadays, especially in the world of online marketing. The best known cases are youtubers who make videos talking about products they have supposedly bought and about which they comment on all their benefits in order to encourage people to buy them.

¿Qué es el marketing de guerrilla?

Real examples of guerrilla marketing

  • netflix: One of the real examples of cases in which guerrilla marketing has been used is Netflix, since each campaign it carries out for its series and/or films is more surprising than the previous one .
  • Coca Cola: Coca Colais also a clear example of guerrilla marketing with its amazing ads .
  • KitKat. Another very good example of guerrilla marketing is the brand KitKat, which customised the street benches by creating tables in ounces of KitKat itself.
  • American Greetings viral video. American Greetings was able to use a date as special as Mother's Day to achieve a great media impact through one of the best viral videos of last year. Considering that it is a company dedicated to selling and sending greetings cards for special events, of course the moment and the video could not be better connected. The important thing about this video is that it generates interest in anyone who sees it and requires a complete viewing to understand it, since you can only know exactly what it is about if you pay attention to the four minutes it lasts. And keeping the attention of someone on the Internet for four minutes is not easy...

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