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what is remarketing?

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Remarketing, also called retargeting, is a marketing campaign dedicated to users who have already interacted or visited the website before. They are not, therefore, new customers. They know the brand or company, they know its characteristics, values and basic commitments.

Remarketing strategies will always be online and translate into important benefits as their degree of specialisation and personalisation with the client is high. In addition, efforts are dedicated to people who already know our site and have shown interest in it previously.

It is essential to design a specific campaign for them as they are at a critical point in the buyer's journey and we want them to move forward. They have returned to the website after having visited it previously, but have not yet made a purchase. They are users who already know the brand and, therefore, are much more sensitive to new marketing strategies.

How to run a remarketing campaign:

  • Detect the user

The user is detected the first time they access the website through the use of cookies, and is added to a list. When they access the website again, the page detects them. You must have a tracking code or pixel tag installed on your site that allows you to track and record the path that each person takes when they access the website: where they click, how long they stay on each page, which products capture their attention, what content they are most sensitive to...

Although the most common way to add people to this list is by accessing the website, members can also be added when they click on certain links such as videos or people who started a purchase but never finished it.

The method of adding users to these remarketing lists can be customised according to the particular objectives of each strategy and can be personalised through the advertising tool being used. In fact, the more specific these lists are, the more successful the remarketing campaign will be.

  • Determine a strategy

Guidelines are determined on the strategy to initiate with the people belonging to these lists. A remarketing tag, an HTML code that is inserted into the website page, has been obtained through the advertising tool.

  • Start of the campaign

The remarketing campaign is started and is directed only to the people on that list. You can, and should, customise the time that elapses in each case from the time the user performs the action that activates the campaign until they receive the advertisement.

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This campaign can take place on social networks, through email... An example of such a campaign is display ads: ads on our website that will appear to the user when visiting other sites. To achieve this we must have contracted a server that performs this type of campaign, such as Google Ads or Facebook. These ads can be customised to the client, which is an even more specific campaign. Another form of remarketing is to position, as an ad, your page among the top search results .

A variation of remarketing is dynamic remarketing, an even more specialised strategy that consists of showing ads to customers who have visited products or sections on the website about the same items or services.

To achieve a good remarketing campaign you should concentrate part of the effort on optimising the landing page, that is, the page to which the user will be redirected when they click on the ad in question. It should correspond as closely as possible with the previous actions that the user has carried out on the website as well as with the content of the ad that has led them to it.

Finally, the return on investment (ROI) and KPIs (key performance indicators) are analysed to evaluate the success of the campaign.

Benefits of remarketing

  • Increases the ROI (Return on Investment), i.e. how much of the investment returns to the company as profit. It measures, therefore, the economic return on that investment. Although calculating the return is not an easy task, as it is a question of calculating the benefits that our campaigns have had, there is a formula with which the result is obtained once the benefits have been determined and the investment calculated. ROI= (Profit - Investment) / Investment x 100
  • Achieve more conversions: This strategy increases user interactions with the website and translates into an increase in conversions and interest in the brand.
  • It deepens personalisation and communication with the customer.
  • It extends the reach of the website. Winning customers always means increasing the traffic on the website, even more with these remarketing strategies and this translates, in search engines, into a better positioning among the results.

Remarketing is a strategy that can be adapted to almost any company or business. It is also very easy to combine with other marketing strategies such as newsletters and the results obtained are fast, effective and specific, focusing, above all, on increasing the number of sales and the conversion rate and increasing the number of leads.

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