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What is mailing: how to do it and successful examples

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Mailing, also known as emailing or email marketing, is a beneficial communication tool for building trust between company and customer. It is a powerful marketing strategy capable of generating positive conversion results. Through this method, users can be reached by offering them personalised content. The aim is to convert leads into potential customers for our service. If the mailings are sent to current customers, the objective is to build customer loyalty.

The basis of mailing is electronic mail. This system offers the possibility of sending mails to groups of contacts on a massive scale. Users, who have previously provided their details to the company, show a clear predisposition. In this way, it is possible to get the most out of a marketing campaign.

what is mailing for?

  • To keep in touch with customers.
  • To send news and novelties.
  • To convert leads.
  • Collect opinions and feedback.
  • To develop content marketing strategies.
  • Generate engagement.

Types of email marketing

  • Relational emails: Its main objective is to establish a relationship with leads or customers through the content of the message.
  • Promotional emails: For these emails, segmentation is important, they are used to sell a product or invite the lead to carry out a specific action.
  • Transactional emails: Emails that are sent in response to an action.

why is it important in your marketing strategy?

Email is part of the daily life of professionals and consumers. That is to say, it is a tool that can be adapted to everyday life and the professional environment. Therefore, everyone has one or more accounts in one of the most famous platforms such as HubSpot, Gmail or ProtonMail. These factors make it one of the most used communication channels. Including mailing in our marketing actions will increase the visibility of a product and its reach.

Email marketing allows you to reach large groups of people anywhere in the world. It allows you to personalise the message by adapting it to each lead. Achieving a close communicative environment is important to reach our recipient, as receiving a message that begins with "Good morning" does not transmit the same confidence as another that says " Good morning, Carlos". This small difference means that the content is specially addressed to the lead and there is a greater chance that they will focus their attention on the message. Adapting communication to customer needs allows segmentation which, in turn, is useful for the actions to be carried out and their automation.

7 benefits of mailing

1) Profitability

Carrying out a mailing strategy is cheaper than other online campaign actions. All your company needs is to have a mass mailing provider, a strategy and a list of subscribers. In addition, creating newsletters is simple and you do not need specialised knowledge.

2) Brand image reinforcement

The mailing is used to stay in touch with your customers so it is necessary to show the brand personality through our messages. The brand is defined with the colours, headers, design, way of writing, alignment between texts... Your company logo will be the first thing the customer will see when opening the mailing. The typography and colours will serve to differentiate you from other companies.

3) Sales and promotion

Email marketing is a perfect channel to communicate news of our services. It allows you to segment mailings by groups based on their interests so that the offers will be sent to recipients who fit with them.

4) Loyalty

Mailing not only allows you to focus on leads, but also on those who have already become customers. It pursues three main objectives:

  • To verify that the customer's experience has been positive.
  • To get them to buy again in the future.
  • Toconvert them into brand advocates so that they attract other users.
  • A/B Testing

There are email marketing tools that allow you to perform so-called A/B tests. These tests are used to find out which elements of your emails can offer better results. You can vary the subject line text and find out which ones lead to a higher open rate. You can also play with different offers to find out which type of offer is more attractive to your customers.

5) Campaign analysis and measurement

Measuring the results of your email marketing is essential to know how your campaign is developing. It helps to know if you have achieved the desired objectives and provides information to optimize future projects. There are different indicators to measure results and depending on the company will focus on some KPI or others. The main analysis lie in the bounce rate (Open Rate), click-through rate (Click-Through Rate), open rate and unsubscribes.

6) Automation

One of the most remarkable benefits of mailing is its automation. The use of technology allows you to optimise your marketing activities. Using platforms such as HubSpot, Get Response or Mailchimp, you can create effective email marketing campaigns. In addition, they usually have an easy-to-use interface.

With this tool it is possible to schedule mailings for the right time. For example, if we know that our customer works from Monday to Friday and will receive mass mailings during the week, it is a good idea to schedule the mailing for Sunday morning when he has free time to read the content of our message. You can also send emails to customers immediately after performing a certain action. If they subscribe to our newsletter, you should send a personalised welcome message in which you explain in depth the benefits of having trusted us.

7) Adaptability to different devices

Since we use email casually, it is adaptable to any device. All potential customers use smartphones, so it is vital that ourmessage is easy to reach and can be accessed effortlessly.

It is necessary that the images or videos that may appear are optimised and can be downloaded quickly without losing quality. It is interesting to know that, if the content is included in a video, this must be subtitled aswe oftenconsult the mail in a public place and not doing so could make it difficult to view.


4 good mailing practices

  1. Segment subscribers: At the beginning we will have a large list of subscribers, but it is interesting to divide it into smaller groups to achieve a personalised content and generate more engagement.

  2. Responsive design: This practice responds to adaptability. You must ensure that your email is perfectly visible on all devices. You can send the newsletter to yourself first to check it.

  3. Simplicity: Generally, simple newsletters receive more interaction than those that are overloaded with images, videos, fancy designs... If you want your email not to get lost among the rest of the inbox: keep it simple.

  4. Do not fall into spam: Email messages are evaluated by passing through different filters. If you do not want your message to be sent to the spam folder you should follow the following recommendations:
  • Ask your subscribers for permission to send content.
  • Enable a button to unsubscribe from the newsletter.
  • Do not shout in your texts.
  • Do not write a misleading subject line.
  • Don't buy databases.
  • Use your mailing platform, isolated from your domain email.
  • Take care of the visual aspect of your mailing.

Success stories with mailing in 2022

Email marketing has positioned itself as one of the most recurrent resources in companies. Among other benefits, it is the most beneficial channel in terms of return on investment (ROI). Here are some of the companies that have achieved the most success in the last year with this strategy:

  • Samsung: This company is constantly renewing its design without losing its characteristic elegance; it is clear about the interests of its public and in its emails it resorts to the use of photographs to highlight the intelligent use of its products.

  • Amazon: They are experts in selling their products and focus their mailing campaigns on commemorative days. The content of Amazon' s messages focuses on showing their catalogue and limited time offers.

  • Uber Eats: This company's mailing focuses on promotional codes as a gift, encouraging the user to open the message and, once inside, to take advantage of the discounts offered and place their first order.

  • BBVA: Banks encourage contact with their users in order to gain their trust and use email marketing to actively communicate by offering savings tips or providing information on their transactions.

  • GoDaddy: They notify their contacts of upcoming events. Their main intention with email marketing is to remain present in their users' plans. Their invitations to events are accompanied by texts explaining why you should attend them and include a button that redirects you to the booking page.

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