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what is digital branding?

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When we talk about branding we are not talking about a new term that did not exist before, branding is the work behind a brand with the aim of making it known and that its image is good in the eyes of consumers. Digital branding is an advance of this towards the world of new technologies in which we are currently immersed.

what is digital branding?

The digital branding we are going to talk about consists of the actions that a company carries out to build a brand in the digital media.

Many people think that digital branding is simply about choosing the right logo and colours for your brand, as well as good typography, but it is much more than that.

Digital branding is in charge of transmitting to others the values you are betting on and the reasons why your market is different from others, which will make users want to bet on it. Branding is dedicated to manage all those elements that identify the brand, in a strategic and creative way, building a different, important and lasting brand experience.

In short, branding consists of discovering what are the values of your brand and the characteristics that make it unique and then enhance them and end up becoming the hallmarks of the brand that make it different.

why is branding important?

The most important thing when it comes to know something or someone is the first impression, if this impression is bad, potential customers will never be real customers. If they perceive your brand and your business in a negative way, they will have no more interest in knowing it and they will leave your website and never come back. So your image is more important than you think, if it does not motivate users to become customers, you are losing more than you think. So as branding is so important, we are going to explain in detail in this post how to build a good branding:

6 keys to build a good branding

1. Answer your questions

The first thing to do is to ask yourself some questions that will help you identify what your strengths are, such as: What are your brand values, what are your brand traits, what are your objectives, who is your buyer persona?

You have to ask yourself who you are in order to identify all your most representative characteristics and get to be known by them as a unique professional. These questions also help you to set short and long term goals and to make decisions within your strategy that will help you how to act in the market.

On the other hand, the question of who is your buyer persona is one of the most important, because if you know who you are addressing, you will also know how to address them and what you need to convey to them so that this buyer persona ends up becoming your customer.

The answer to all these questions has to form a homogeneous and well-structured idea, in which everything makes sense and ends up forming a whole. If users see contradictions in your values, they will not believe in you or your brand.

2. Define the media

The media in which you expose your business are very important, it is not necessary that your brand appears in all possible media to be seen, the important thing is to plan well in which media it is beneficial to appear depending on where our buyer persona is.

For example: if your brand sells a product such as hearing aids for the elderly, no matter how much you invest in Instagram to promote your product, it will probably not bear fruit in the same way as other media that are more suitable for that type of buyer persona.

3. Find out about your audience

For this and many more reasons, the best way to know what your audience wants, what they need and above all, who your audience is, is to research about them, see what they consume, where they consume it and when they consume it, this will make us really know our buyer persona and allow us to generate specific content for them, which will serve to create real connections with them.

4. Humanise your brand

In these times it is not enough to advertise on television in prime time, the digital age goes much further, something very common and that serves very well, is to empathise and interact with the users themselves, if they perceive your brand as a human brand, with ideals in which they believe and not simply as a company that wants to sell you a product, users will empathise much more with you and will take you much more into account than other brands that are limited to put your ad in prime time.

5. Reinvent yourself

If you stagnate in your own brand image and never move forward or create new logos, new tools within the website or a new design of this, as well as reinvent the brand values and move forward with them, users will end up getting bored, you have to pay close attention to users, and learn from them, so we will grow with them and they will feel part of the changes of the brand.

6. Immediacy

In this era of new technologies that we live in, users are increasingly fleeting, if a customer bothers to write to you on social networks or by any means of contact that you have put on your website and takes a long time to receive a reply, it is likely that they will end up buying from the competition as soon as they do not take long to reply. All this is also valid if there are changes in the sector or in the environment, you have to be aware of everything that happens to adapt quickly and know how to respond.

In conclusion, never stop reinventing yourself and digging deeper and deeper into this world, you can never rest easy with your digital branding strategy, because branding itself implies being constantly alert, making sure that your pillars are still strong and your brand is still distinctive and unique. Users are one of the points you have to focus on as a brand, if you make an effort to know them and what they want, you will be much closer to winning them over, if they see you as a good brand and have a good image of you because of your honesty and your humanity... it will be a piece of cake to sell!

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