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what is a sales funnel in digital marketing?

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have you ever heard of the term "sales funnel"? In marketing, it is the methodology used to plan the steps a user takes before reaching their goals.

In this post we tell you what a sales funnel is, what the advantages of its implementation are and how to incorporate it into your marketing strategy to boost your business. Don't miss it!

Sales funnel, what is it?

The sales funnel (or sales funnel) is the way in which a company or business establishes methods to contact different users in order to achieve a final objective, such as filling in a form, obtaining a sale or customer, etc.

Funnels are a tool used by many professionals, applicable to any type of business, to attract new traffic, capture leads and sell goods or services to old and new customers.

According to Vilma Núñez, it is the methodology used by brands to define and plan which steps the user has to take to achieve one or more objectives. There are several reasons to use funnels, although the most important for her is to understand that funnels are "synonymous with planning and conversions". Some of the reasons she gives are the following:

> Using funnels reduces the number of steps a user has to go through before becoming a lead or customer.

> Its use will help you turn your website into a "conversion machine", as you optimise your services and generate funnels for online acquisition and sales.

> It allows you to reduce communications to those users who are interested in the good or service you offer them, and you can give them discounts and exclusive offers.

> It will be easier to get to know your customers and their needs and increase personalisation.

how does it work? As its name suggests, it works like a funnel with two holes, one very large and one very small. As we know, the large hole is used to deposit the material we want to use, which when it comes out of the small hole will be filtered and will be just the amount we need .

In marketing, the way it works is the same. We have a very large amount of information about different users captured through different media and we need that information to be much more specific. But how do we achieve this? AsRockcontentexplains , as people get to know our brand, we also collect information about them. Little by little, we will qualify the different users, evaluating them in the right way to know if there are real possibilities of them becoming our customers .

According to Hubspot, to make a sales funnel we need to:

> Define the problem to be solved

> Create an offer to generate leads

> Confirm that the leads are interested in the good or service you are offering them

> Nurture the leads by offering demonstrations or trials

> Close the deal with the leads and follow up on the results and sales data

Therefore, to implement a sales funnel, the following phases are followed:

  1. Contact with users: identify and attract new users.

  2. Lead generation: we collect information in order to classify them.

  3. Seize an opportunity: offer our offers when users express interest.

  4. Determine the type of product the potential customer is willing to buy: we can use surveys, phone calls, etc.

  5. Close the sale by converting the initial user into a customer.

Types of sales funnels

Here are some of the different types of sales funnels that exist according to the classification made by Vilma Nuñez.

  • Lead acquisition funnels

In this case, the use of a funnel is used to capture leads, that is, to convert any user or visitor to the page into a potential customer. To do this, users must fill in a form in which they leave their details. To achieve this, it is best to offer them something in return, for example: "subscribe to download this report for free", or "to access this free course".

Users will enter the funnel by leaving their details on the lead nurturing landing page, then they will be directed to a thank you landing page and then they will receive a download email with the information we promised them.

  • Lead nurturing funnels

This type of funnel is used to improve the relationship with your potential customers before selling them a product. This way we generate the interest we need in some of them and we will focus only on the latter. Why invest efforts in all users when we can focus only on those with the potential to close a sale?

It is about tagging those users who, for example, show interest in the free content offered on the website in exchange for filling out a form.

  • Online sales funnel

This type of funnel should start with users who have shown interest during the lead nurturing stage.

Online sales funnels should start with users who have shown interest during lead nurturing campaigns. As Vilma Nuñez explains, the idea is to offer interesting offers to those users with a certain tag. If they are interested, they will go to the sales page and make a purchase. "The interesting thing about this funnel is that we automatically remarket to users who have shown interest but have not bought".

A correct use of the sales funnel can help you to get more customers, we encourage you to give it a try!

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