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Examples of successful neuromarketing techniques

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do you think you need to renew your marketing strategy? Neuromarketing has changed the way we create marketing campaigns. We see it in examples of campaigns that have come to provide great results to companies of all kinds. Knowing their examples is the best way to learn and develop a growth that can be positive to apply it in our own company. But first you must have the basics of this tool.

what is neuromarketing?

We can consider neuromarketing to be the study of the buying and decision-making process of consumers or potential customers while they are in the phases prior to making a purchase and once they have made a purchase. We could consider it a process in which technology measures the emotions of the consumer.

Concepts such as Emotional Marketing, Storytelling and Neuromarketing are often mixed, as they are all on the rise within marketing strategy.

In this case, neuromarketing allows us to find the perfect formula to transmit the products and services of a brand through this scientific study, together with the monitoring of consumer behaviour.

The buying process can begin at home, in the street, on a trip... not necessarily when a product or service is purchased or when a need arises, and it ends once the consumer assumes and assimilates that he or she has purchased a product or service and can make use of it and enjoy it.

That is why the user experience is so important in neuromarketing.

what are the advantages of neuromarketing?

Neuromarketing can present us with many advantages when it comes to connecting our offers with the emotions of our consumers. These are some of them:

  1. Neuromarketing measures all the stimuli without the need to ask the consumer, i.e. as a result of our study we can know how to reach the emotions of our customers without having to consult them in a more invasive way.

  2. Neuromarketing studies will always be much more precise than other techniques, because they are based on physiological responses, many of which are unconscious. Neuromarketing evaluates more precisely what the consumer feels, but also what they think, both consciously and unconsciously.

  3. Neuromarketing optimises and merges advertising resources, as well as company resources, helping at the corporate level to create and manage products focused more concretely on meeting real consumer needs, in order to understand in a more "rational" way the emotional relationship between consumer behaviour and the mind.

  4. It identifies action-reaction or cause-effect patterns that provide specific data to create advertising campaigns based on knowledge of the cognitive processes of neuroscience and neuropsychology.

It is important to emphasise that it is not about manipulating the consumer's mind, but about understanding their behaviour in order to give them the products and services they need.

Neuromarketing is not a discipline that has appeared recently, but has been present in marketing strategies for a long time, although it is true that nowadays it has acquired a great transcendence of value for marketing. Brands must understand that understanding the consumer is the first step for the success of any business .

Examples of neuromarketing successes

Neuromarketing is based on engaging our senses, which is why there are different types of neuromarketing, depending on their method of action. Below we will look at two types and two successful campaigns:

  • Coca-Cola and the value of emotions

Known all over the world, the soft drinks brand Coca-Cola is a regular in testing new initiatives to reach the public.

In a recent campaign, it adopted a technique with which it analysed the emotions of consumers as they watched one of its television commercials. The intention was to capture their emotions, image by image, and the way they reacted to what they were seeing. In this way, they would be able to know what feelings their product provoked in a realistic and absolutely transparent way.

It is an example of visual neuromarketing that is based on the emotions that the stimuli we perceive through sight transmit to us. It has been demonstrated that an image always reaches the brain much more quickly, which means that the effectiveness of the message to be transmitted is also more guaranteed.

For example, the words "free", "sale", "bargain", "bargain" are other sales techniques to attract the attention of our consumers, as are "0.99" prices that make us see things at a lower price.

  • Netflix and the "TU-TUM"

The big mainstream audiovisual consumption platform, Netflix, has also taken advantage of neuromarketing. It was the first to appear and has encouraged other companies to do the same: Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV, etc. However, Netflix has made sure to differentiate itself from these with a little "Tu-Tum" sound.

Whether you are a consumer of this platform or not, you will have heard this characteristic sound when you start a Netflix playback. Well, this little sound has been so effective that it has become associated with the brand and every time we hear it we differentiate it and know that it corresponds to the big mainstream content distributor.

This associative technique can be attributed to a type of auditory neuromarketing, based on everything our sense of hearing perceives, everything we hear. It is estimated that the human ear is capable of differentiating around 30,000 different frequencies.

In shopping centres or supermarkets, it has been studied that music can influence purchasing decisions.

So let's not forget that our sense of hearing has auditory memory, which stores information about our experiences throughout our lives, both past and present.

Both large brands and small businesses can use neuromarketing as a vital tool when it comes to understanding consumers and being able to offer them what they need. Creating this affective-emotive link will serve to strengthen the bond with our customers in the future and thus build customer loyalty.

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