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what is a Multichannel Strategy?

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Today, the situation has changed due to the diversity of the audience, the development of technology and the emergence of new media. As a result, there are millions of platforms on which to promote yourself on the Internet, in addition to traditional channels. Today, a marketing strategy must use multiple media or communication platforms on which to implement your sales campaigns in order to reach a wider audience.

5 benefits of multichannel marketing

  1. The ability to reach more consumers: by using a variety of communication channels, you can reach a wider audience and diversify your customer profile. Multichannel makes it easier to reach buyers of different ages, preferences and locations.
  2. Gain popularity: the use of multiple media in your marketing campaigns can translate into a greater presence on different websites. This profiles your personal brand, giving you an identifiable footprint. In this way, you can increase your brand's visibility on the street and in the virtual world, making it harder for consumers to forget you.
  3. Increases company innovation and productivity: technology and media change every day, and the best way to deal with these changes is to keep up to date and understand each change. Companies that use multichannel marketing are better able to adapt to new technologies because they focus on managing multiple sales and communication channels. A marketing team focused on producing different campaigns,
  4. Facilitates the sales process: the use of different channels makes it easier to target specific audiences. One of the strategies that works is audience segmentation. Grouping the types of consumers who know your brand allows you to develop personalised strategies. In addition, by analysing your customers, you collect new data to create new buyer personas.
  5. Multidisciplinary: using multiple channels allows you to leverage the unique strengths of each platform to design a unique and different experience for each of your target audience types.

Companies that are implementing multichannel argue that their goal is to create the three-dimensional experience between present and future, to get closer to the language of young people. With these statements, we must ask ourselves which channels are the best ones to use in my strategy?

First, we must take into account that for planning to be efficient, it must be adapted to the needs and preferences of the customer; thus increasing the probability of purchase and loyalty. Understanding how each channel works and how to adapt to new technologies to gain a strategic advantage is fundamental. Some strategies can only be more effective in certain channels, the use of multiple communication channels can really improve your ROI.

which channels should I leverage for my business?

Let's look at the types of channels that are readily available to you and your audience, from traditional channels to those with new technologies.


We find all those offline channels, from media such as television, billboards, radio, newspapers and magazines to leaflet distribution, interventions at points of sale, outdoors such as at the bus door or bus stops and physical events. They are characterised by being channels in which the audience receives advertising shoehorned in, in an abusive and very intrusive way. Although, with depending on which generations tradition wins over digital advertising. Then, it has a wider reach and more visibility. The media used in this advertising model do not have segmentation filter, but have a high level of authority in media that already create credibility, such as newspapers, magazines, radio and television.


To this group belong all the platforms that we are using in the Inbound Marketing strategy. such as:


The creation of a website, perhaps the channel that rides between tradition and new technologies. Almost all generations rely on the website of a company or brand. The usefulness of the website with respect to ROI, in addition to the increased conversion rate, audience growth to reliable customers is remarkable. If you want to continue reading about the benefits of creating a website, read our blog.


Podcast marketing can be a great marketing tool for your business. Building a personal presence and brand, it grows your community and allows you to achieve your business or organisational goals. Podcasting provides credibility and closeness - just like radio - so it can be a way to connect with those generations that are reluctant to digital channels. By putting a voice and name to a communicator you become familiar with them, thus increasing your relationship between customer and company.


This channel is the most popular for attracting and retaining customers, especially the younger ones. Currently, the channels that are receiving the largest audience are those that accept the audiovisual format as a method for sharing their content. If you want to keep up to date with the video marketing trend, click on the link.

The most popular platforms to grow as a business are:

  1. LinkedIn: the world's largest professional network, used to build relationships and connect with professionals, it is also used as a job search tool. Two types of profiles, professional and corporate, and the secret is to combine the two to get the most out of your business.
  2. Facebook: nowadays, it is practically unthinkable that companies or individuals who want to promote themselves do not have a page or profile on this site. This social network is the veteran of all the others, although it is still on a pedestal compared to the new and powerful platforms - especially for the more adult generations.
  3. Instagram: makes it easy to create an Instagram business profile that gives you some special benefits to become famous and promote yourself, because this social network has millions of users from all over the world and of all nationalities. It is a balcony to the present, allowing you to get to know yourself and promote your brand in a comprehensive way.
  4. TikTok: The world's most popular platform, the social network known for its viral dance videos has become an attractive search engine for Generation Z. The advantage of TikTok is that the powerful algorithm is based on users' interests, finding the information they need, tailored to their taste. By promoting yourself on this channel, the potential to go viral means reaching a wider audience.
  5. Twitter: one of the most popular social networks in the world, with more than 390 million users, and therefore one of the most widely used, Twitter is the perfect tool to promote and monetise your business, brand or project.
  6. YouTube: YouTube advertising is one of the most powerful and effective digital strategies for increasing traffic, reach, sales, targeting or brand engagement.

The multi-channel strategy, in short, is a plan that works, thanks to the fact that you can reach a large number of audience. Having a presence on different platforms allows you to profile a personal brand, as well as achieve a large community and empower business or organisational goals.

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