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vlog or blog - which is more profitable in content marketing?

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are you one of those people who don't know the differences between vlog and blog? Or did you simply think that, as they sound the same, there weren't two different words to refer to this term? Well, in this post we are going to explain the main differences between these terms and what functionalities each of them has. Let's take a look!

Differences between blog and vlog

When we hear the word "blog", our mind usually takes us to the typical blog that we can find on the internet about different categories with a series of posts talking about them. In fact, when the word blog is written with a b, it mainly refers to a space in which the main activity that we can find in it is written.

In short, they are creative spaces that contain information mainly written in depth in a specific field, for example, we can find recipe blogs, blogs about computers, business blogs, blogs about marketing, about technology..

In these blogs there is always one or more people behind the posts who could be considered content creators and who are able to write specific information in an original and concise way so that their posts can reach the knowledge of all users.

However, when the word is written starting with the letter v, we are talking about a different term, although both sound the same to our ear. The idea of both terms is infinitely related and that is that a vlog is nothing more than a blog but in video format. That's right, it was decided to add a "v" for the word "video" to the term "blog" to name those blog formats that mix both text and video, but where the main activity takes place in video.

In the beginning, vlogs were nothing more than videos that were included in blog posts to accompany the text and make it more dynamic. However, with the rise of video platforms such as YouTube, vlogs have gone from being an accessory to our posts to becoming the sole protagonists.

what is a vlog or video blogging?

Content creators, as in written blogs, usually use videos to give information about something specific, show areas of their daily lives, reflect on specific issues, express some feelings.... In short, they take advantage of the tool of vlogs to have more closeness with users, because when we see through a screen a person, talking to us, showing us the routine of their life, we share opinions or ideals with them, etc. People feel more linked to the content creators and we feel more than just users, but we could consider ourselves followers.

After reading all this, are you starting to feel encouraged to record vlogs? Let us now explain to you what steps you can take to make your own.

Vlogging, as the term "vlogging" is commonly used, may seem like a simple task as you don't need a lot of specific resources to get started and you don't have to invest money to begin this adventure.

You will simply need a camera, some knowledge of video editing and a lot of creativity and desire to win over the public. I suppose that at this point you are thinking... but what if I don't have a camera, how do I do it? Don't worry! Many of the vlogs that we regularly consume on YouTube are recorded with the camera of a mobile phone and the quality of the videos that we can record with our device really have nothing to envy to the "more professional" cameras.

Once we know how to get started, it is important to ask ourselves the following questions before we start publishing our vlogs:

  • what do we want to talk about: This is the first question we should ask ourselves before we start recording our videos. On YouTube you can find videos of all kinds ranging from a person's day-to-day life and make-up routines, for example, to videos explaining how to solve any computer problem you might have.
    The important thing is not only to know what you are going to talk about, but to talk about something that you can handle and have the knowledge to do so.
  • where are we going to publish our vlogs: There are many video platforms where we can upload our content, but Youtube is the one most chosen by content creators. It is a fairly intuitive and simple platform for uploading our work, as well as being free, which is especially useful if we are just starting out in this adventure.

can vlogs add value to our business?

As we already know, creating a blog with a series of posts that talk about our products or about terms that are related to the work of our brand is essential for our business. However, creating and publishing vlogs can be more complicated for our company, especially if we don't know how to approach them.

It is important to know that, whether we are a company or an individual business, our vlogs on YouTube can be monetised, and therefore, can give value to our business. Monetisation is achieved through the ads that appear before our videos start and will increase as more people view and click on them.

It is also important to know that your channel will only start monetising when it has aminimum of 1000 subscribers and has accumulated 4000 hours of public viewing in the last 12 months since the creation of the channel where you are going to publish your videos.

However, if you consider that recording and publishing vlogs is not something that could be profitable for your business, there is also the option of taking advantage of the vlogs of the content creators to advertise on them .

That is, as we mentioned before, vlogs are monetised when they contain advertisements or when the content creators appear in the videos talking about a product or service and its features. This is why we can take advantage of this tool to contact influencers or content creators who already have a number of followers and views and who match the target of our brand so that they can advertise us.

In this way we will not only get a greater number of public towards our brand or an increase in visits to our website, but we can also increase the recognition of our brand. Nowadays, when the products or services of a brand appear in the videos of people who are influential for us (influencers) and that we follow them because we like their content, they will be more attractive for us to buy.

The important thing to bear in mind is that we must be where our audience is, so now that you know the great potential that vlogs have on the internet, it is important to know how to take advantage of them, either to record videos showing our own content or to use them to advertise ourselves.

pon un vídeo corporativo en tu vida

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