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The meaning of colours: how to apply them to marketing?

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Colours are everywhere, they surround us wherever we go and in everything we do, so much so that our emotions and sensations are conditioned by the colours we perceive.

It is true that sometimes we do not realise how colours affect our daily lives. The theory of colour in marketing means that we can transmit certain sensations to the people who see it that they will associate with our brand. The symbolism of colour is vital for our target audience to understand what we want to transmit and communicate.

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what is colour psychology?

Colour psychology is a field that studies what colours produce in people's emotions and behaviours. Each colour has a meaning and that is why we must know what colour theory is to understand what we can transmit, or our public can feel, through our visual shop window.

However, the psychology of colour can make some colours have different meanings, this will depend on some factors such as our education, values, culture, etc. It is therefore very important to know our buyer persona well and thus understand what they are looking for and how we can transmit it to them through campaigns adapted to the target audience.

In order to be able to carry out a marketing campaign adapted to our objectives, it is necessary to determine what image we want to give. For this, the use of colours will be fundamental, so we must know what each colour represents.

The meanings of colours

Red is a very attractive colour for marketing, it means power, attraction and it also makes the public's attention fixed. Some of the sectors that use the colour red the most are drinks and food, as it stimulates appetite. That is why some brands use this colour in their marketing campaigns, to give visual strength to the logo, such as Coca Cola. Red highlights texts, so it is also important to take into account a matching background to make it stand out.

la psicología del color

When we talk about the meaning of colours in marketing we cannot overlook the colour blue. This colour is appropriate for companies that try to transmit calm and confidence, however in darker tones it represents elegance and freshness. For technological elements and the personal hygiene sector it is the perfect colour, as it is a colour that transmits cleanliness and security.

la psicología del color

Green is another basic colour when it comes to the meaning of colours in marketing. This colour has traditionally been used to refer to natural and ecological values. Green is a very versatile colour that also refers to good deeds and by conveying peace it is quite pleasing to the eye.

la psicología del color

Yellow has become fashionable in the world of marketing, the reason being that it attracts powerful attention on its own, although it is true that it can sometimes be repelling if applied in excess. Very appropriate for children's products as it conveys happiness and brightness.

la psicología del color

Orange is considered a colour that transmits values related to energy, which is why many products related to sports and vitamins use it as a resource. It is a warm colour that is not as aggressive as red, and it is ideal for young people, as it generates confidence and is related to adventure.

la psicología del color

Purple is a colour associated with lofty values such as royalty, spirituality or the mysterious, a colour that can be interpreted as both cool and warm, and can therefore be used for a multitude of marketing purposes.

la psicología del color

Pink is a colour associated with femininity, soft and elegant at the same time. It is also used for products related to childhood, although it is also increasingly being introduced in products aimed at men.

la psicología del color

Brown represents, like green, the natural, associated with earth or wood. Many food companies use it precisely because it is an inconspicuous colour. Moreover, it is mainly associated with brands related, within the world of food, to their own products, such as chocolate or coffee.

la psicología del color

The colour white symbolises purity, normally in marketing it is used for minimalist campaigns where the protagonist is another colour. It is curious but if we look at it, there are few people who name it as their favourite colour, and few others who consider it a colour they cannot stand. Moreover, it is usually the protagonist more as a background than as letters, as it must have a background that makes it visible.

la psicología del color

The colour black also combines with everything in marketing, a colour that can be associated with drama or other concepts such as elegance, power and sophistication. If we look at cologne advertisements, for example, those that use the colour black are perceived with values related to power and prestige. It is usually used with a white background so that the typography stands out more.

la psicología del color

Tips for using the colour technique in our campaigns

Finally, it is important that you consciously apply each colour in the most appropriate way and based on its values. Some design tips on how to establish the colours of your brand are:

  • Don't use excessively intense colours such as red or yellow as they can tire your users.
  • When using call-to-action or CTA's, red or orange are the best colours for that function.
  • If you use a bold colour, counterbalance it with a softer colour to lower its impact and make it more harmonious.
  • Once you choose the colour that represents your brand, use it for everything related to the design of your website, social media or any other space, so you should always keep in mind the preferences of your target audience.

Colour is not only a tool that makes our brand stand out, it sells. It serves to communicate a purpose and values associated with a product or service. You should choose the colour according to what you want to convey to your target audience, but also according to what best represents the brand. Therefore, the psychology of colour is fundamental to achieve success.


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