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what is one-to-one marketing, advantages and how to create it?

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New technologies and marketing are evolving more and more every day, so companies have to reinvent themselves more and more, they have to look for more and more effective ways to connect with users, the customer is the centre of any marketing strategy, more and more importance is given to customers and actions are personalised.

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what is one-to-one marketing?

One-to-one marketing, also called 1:1 marketing or one-to-one marketing, is a strategy that consists of having a much more individualised experience with customers. With this, what is achieved is to revolutionise traditional marketing, in this, the product was the centre of the strategy and what we intend with one-to-one marketing is to put the focus on personalised actions towards the consumer. But we do not speak of a consumer as an abstract form referring to the set of customers, we speak of the consumer understood in an individual way.

This one-to-one marketing campaign allows us to cultivate a relationship with our customers that, little by little and thanks to a high degree of personalisation, will end up bearing fruit. This cannot be done lightly or with just anyone; it is possible if we have an exhaustive knowledge of our consumers, always on an individual level, not according to statistics or sets.

We could say that one-to-one marketing is the opposite of mass marketing, it stops basing the strategy on the product to focus on the customers themselves, analysing the needs of each one and creating a personalised offer for each one of them, basing the strategy on constant interaction with the customer.

In fact, since ancient businesses, marketers have been remembering data about their customers to give a better service and a more personalised experience, thus increasing sales, so why is one-to-one marketing so new? In one-to-one marketing you don't have to segment your consumers into groups, you have to launch to each of them the content that seems unique to the user.

how to apply one-to-one marketing effectively?

  1. Focus on the customer
    This starts to sound redundant but it is the most important part of one-to-one marketing, taking into account the customer's needs and showing them advertisements and adverts about what they need, will increase the chances of them buying. Focusing on the product no longer makes sense, because then we are not targeting anyone specific.

  2. Know the customer perfectly
    Carrying out an exhaustive study of your customers will help you to understand their needs and you will be able to optimise your strategy depending on their behaviour.

  3. More customised products

    Products are no longer standard products, but tailor-made products, that is to say, products are much more personalised, with more details and more care, so they are much more in line with the needs of the customers and they feel more identified with the brand.

  4. Change the way you interact
    If you used to address your customers through advertising and mass media, reinvent yourself! If you interact more on an individual level, you will be able to generate a trust among your customers that they will not have with your competitors. The relationship will be closer and you will know first-hand what they think of your brand.

  5. Measure customer satisfaction
    In order to find out if you are carrying out a good strategy, you must constantly obtain measurable data. If you know the degree of satisfaction of your customers individually, you will know with which ones you must optimise the strategy.

Advantages of one-to-one marketing

are you still not sure whether you should go for a one-to-one marketing strategy? Here is a list of the benefits of one-to-one marketing.

  1. More personalised customer relationships

    Creating a good relationship with customers will lead to greater customer loyalty, resulting in a better relationship that will end up lasting longer.

  2. Improved profitability
    We will see improved profitability as a continued relationship with the customer will bring us benefits without having to invest large amounts of money, so we will have a positive ROI in a short time.

  3. Increases customer satisfaction
    The most important thing in this type of strategy is that customers are satisfied with the brand, thanks to this they will recommend the brand to their family and friends and word of mouth marketing gives many results.

  4. Reduces costs
    By not having to implement hundreds of strategies to offer discounts and offers to retain customers, we are saving money.

how do you start a one-to-one marketing initiative?

Let's take a look at 4 simple steps on how to get started with a one-to-one marketing strategy:

  1. Identify prospects and customers
    The first step in a customer-centric strategy will always be to identify both your buyer persona and your customers, it is impossible for you to know how to communicate with your customers if you have not identified them, so the best option is to create a database where you have the information and contact details of all of them.

  2. Interact with customers
    Feedback from our customers is very important in individualised strategies, without it, we won't even know if our strategy is paying off, so what you have to do is ask those customers for feedback to help you improve your product and the customer experience itself, also, you create a stronger bond by communicating with them that positively affects your strategy.

  3. Differentiate your customers
    Once you have identified them and managed their information, it is time for segmentation, for example, you have to differentiate them according to whether they are more likely to buy one product or another, and other elements such as the location of their residence, age, etc. With this segmentation we can develop a messaging strategy that we will program so that these users are encouraged to purchase.

  4. Personalise
    A one-to-one marketing strategy is basically a personalised strategy from start to finish, from including the name in the messages to personalising the products themselves so that users feel more involved with the brand and feel the need to buy those products.

After reading this post, do you dare to get involved in a one-to-one marketing strategy? Don't wait any longer and focus on your customers as the main base of your strategy.


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