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Tik Tok's new advertising format: "Shopping Ads"

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The personal monetisation of social networks is a direction that no longer surprises anyone. While it may have caused mixed feelings when Facebook and Instagram added shopping options to their apps, such as the ability to create a shop on Instagram, now no one is surprised by Tik Tok's new update: Shopping Ads, or shopping ads. Shopping which, of course, can be done from within the app.

How to join Tik Tok Shopping Ads

First of all you should know that this update is very new and may not be available for all accounts. If you can add this new feature to your account, you will only have to follow four steps to do so.

Before you start with the first step, you need to make sure you have a Tik Tok Seller Center Shop, if you don't, you need to fill out the registration form. To do so:

Log in or register at the TikTok Shop Seller Center. Once you have done so, on the screen that will open with all the tools and functions, go to the right bar and select Ads and then "Start configuration" .

Tik Tok Shopping Ads configuración

A new page will open where you will see that you need to complete three steps: Provide information about your company, provide information about your ads and finally connect to your TikTok account.

In the first step you must connect the Seller Centre with your TikTok shop, if you don't have one, it's time to create one (both options are provided on the screen).

Tik Tok Shopping Ads crear tienda

Then, in the second step, you will have to connect your ad account with the same TikTok shop to be able to run ad campaigns. The last step to be part of the seller centre is to connect with your TikTok account through the QR code that will appear on the screen. To do this, access the Friends section, click on the icon on the top left of Add friends and, on the top right, you will see the icon of a scanner. Authorise the action and your personal or professional account will be connected with the TikTok Business Center. To finish, select "Complete Configuration".

Tik Tok Shopping Ads completar configuración

Setting up ads in the Seller Center allows you toconnect your shop with your Business Center, your TikTok Ads Manager account and your TikTok account. In addition, enabling ads in TikTok Shop Seller Center will allow you to create TikTok ads that will promote the products in your TikTok shop .

Adding ads

Now it's time to start creating campaigns and ads. To do this, select the "Ads" button on the left hand side bar again, which should never have disappeared. At the top, select "Overview" and then "Create Campaign".

Tik Tok Shopping Ads añadir anuncios

This will open a window with a slightly different interface to the previous ones. At the top you will see two main spaces "Create Now" or "Use existing". You should select the first one if you want to create a new campaign from scratch, or use existing if you already had one but didn't have the connection to the seller centre.

The first settings you will have to fill in are: The name of the campaign, ad categories and the budget you have available. Once you have filled in these first details, you will have to go back to the screen in the image above, by clicking again on ads in the left menu. This time, instead of selecting "Overview" we will click on "Account Manager" to manage the accounts that are connected to that TikTok shop. From there you can add accounts to your TikTok shop or delete some that you already have linked to it.

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