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What are the advantages of Instagram for business?

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Before you learn about the benefits of Instagram for business, it's important to know that to create a business Instagram account you first need to log into your personal Instagram profile. Then go to settings and select "switch to business profile". Once you have created your business profile, you can include a phone number, email address and the location of your business.

This way, customers can contact you directly from a button on your profile. You can also link your Instagram for Business account with your Facebook Fan Page, so you don't have to post twice, because before you publish a post you only have to activate the option to also post on Facebook.

Instagram is the social network that will help us to humanise our brand. Once you have created your profile, you should write your biography, i.e. your company's biography. You should also start experimenting with Instagram's statistics and choose the best time to post. Also, don't forget to define your target audience and the most important hashtags for your sector.

Remember that Instagram allows thirty hashtags for each post, so use them well. We recommend using hashtags that are less generic and more specific, short and easy to remember. It is important that you use a brand hashtag because it gives your brand visibility, a community hashtag so that the desired users reach you, a campaign hashtag used only for the duration of the campaign and a location hashtag so that it reaches people in the city or country where you offer your product or service.

Learn how to measure the results to optimise your strategy. Create publications according to your target audience and their interest to make your company profile visible and relevant on this social network. The issue of content is key here. Instagram offers various formats that you should take advantage of so that your content is increasingly attractive and does not go unnoticed by users.

Instagram formats

The formats offered by Instagram are varied and if we know how to use them within our strategy, we can achieve some of the advantages of Instagram for businesses.

Photos and videos

These elements are key to any business profile on Instagram, but video is the format that achieves the most interaction and visibility.

Instagram TV (IGTV)

This is the trend of 2021. This format allows you to generate more dynamic, attractive and longer content. The video you upload can last from sixty seconds to 15 minutes if you do it from your phone or up to 60 minutes if you do it from the web platform.

Instagram Stories

The visibility of this format is in vertical mode and has a duration of 24 hours. You can publish photos, videos, boomerangs, among others. Here you can publicise the offers that your brand offers, as well as generate greater interaction with your users through questions. Don't forget that it is a social network that brings you closer to the consumer, so allocate a space and time so that they can communicate with your brand.


They allow real-time communication with the user and are saved for 24 hours. You can use them to explain an upcoming event, an offer or just to give the user the opportunity to ask questions and chat with you.


The content of the reels is dynamic and you can add music, filters, augmented reality elements, create transitions, etc. Don't forget that the content you offer here must be very practical and useful for your user.

Photo carousel

You can add up to 10 photos in the same post. You can use them if you want to mention the benefits of your product or service, you can put one in each photo. Carousels are also useful for users to spend more time on your post so that the algorithm considers you as relevant content. The more time the user spends on your profile, the better.

7 advantages of Instagram for businesses

Above all, Instagram helps to boost your brand and to achieve this you will need to plan your content. This is the basis for your feed and profile to be attractive and have the same objective.

1. The algorithm favours you

Nowadays, Instagram's famous algorithm ranks you if your feed is fresh, based on engagement and your brand's relationship history. The more interaction you generate with your audience, the more visibility you will achieve.

2. Increase traffic to your website

One of the advantages of Instagram for business is that it allows you to have more visibility, that is, more traffic to your website and a good organic positioning. If you have a blog, don't forget to share the link in the biography of your business Instagram. This way your users will visit your website.

3. Bring your brand closer to your audience

With Instagram, your brand is humanised and provides direct brand-user contact. For example, you can post what a day in the company is like or what the work process is like depending on the sector you work in, and you can also get to know the members of your company.

4. Promotion of products and services

Although you can use your own photos of your products or services, you can also use image banks. Remember that it is essential to write a clear text and don't forget to use the famous emojis to make your text more attractive.

5. Accessibility

Another advantage of Instagram for business is that by having both mobile and desktop versions, it is accessible to any user, so your content will reach more people and increase your brand's visibility.

6. Geolocation

We suggest that you put the location on every post you publish on your Instagram for business profile. This will allow you to appear on the photo map and increase your visibility in that sector.

7. Instagram Ads

Thanks to this advantage you can ensure visits to your profile by segmenting the audience you want to reach. Don't hesitate to use this tool.

These are just some of the advantages of Instagram for businesses that you can't miss out on. Define your brand objectives and create a publication calendar. Make an effort to create useful content for your audience and you will see how your audience grows every day.

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