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what are the benefits of Twitter for business?

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Discover the benefits of using Twitter for business in your marketing strategy

Twitter is a global community with more than 330 million monthly active users. It is one of the leading and most influential social networks today, although Instagram, Facebook and TikTok rank higher, according to a GWI survey. Still, it is a platform that offers unique options to its users and, of course, to brands. Hence Twitter for Business, a help centre to guide you in managing your business. In such a competitive market, you cannot be left behind. If your goal is to be a brand of reference and increase your reach, social networks are essential, and Twitter is no exception.

Just as users search Twitter for influencers they admire, most do the same for companies with which they have a strong connection. In fact, according to a study by Kantar, 82% of Twitter users follow a brand. Therefore, yours has to be there to offer a service to these users, but also to expand and reach new audiences. Keep in mind that the nature of Twitter makes it easier for your content to reach users outside your circle, something that does not happen at the same level with Instagram, for example. The key is to create a community and take advantage of the tools that Twitter offers for businesses (which we will see later).

why should your brand be on Twitter?

If you still have doubts about the usefulness of Twitter or want to strengthen your company's strategy on this social network, pay attention to these 5 implicit advantages of the platform:

  • free exposure: Twitter, like the rest of the social networks, is a marketing channel at no cost. It allows you to promote your brand's products and services in a more personal and direct way. In fact, it also serves to improve your web positioning, as you can use your keywords in your tweets and optimise your presence in search engines.
  • improve brand image: If you plan a great communication strategy and execute it successfully, in the long term you will manage to create a community with your followers in order to build loyalty. All this generates a customer experience that, if they find it rewarding, will improve the image of your brand.
  • facilitate interaction: If you barely maintain contact with your customers through social networks, Twitter is the solution. Its commitment to written text and its various options (surveys, quotes, private messages, public replies, mentions...) make it one of the leading social networks in terms of interaction. This, in addition to being useful in the field of marketing, also helps the public relations team in customer service.

¿Qué beneficios ofrece Twitter para empresas?

  • find out how people are talking about your brand. You can use Twitter as a search engine to find out what people are saying about your brand. In general, these will be public comments that are not intended to be read by the company, so you can check what they like, what they don't like and why. You can even respond to those profiles that speak positively to attract them to your community. However, do not ignore the negative and try to solve the problem in the best possible way. All this will be very useful when planning your strategy not only in networks, but in any part of your company.
  • research your competitors. It is very likely that brands that offer a similar service to yours are on Twitter. Try to take advantage of this and analyse their relationships with customers or their campaigns. You can even create a list of your competitors' profiles to keep up to date with their activity. In this way, find out what works and what doesn't to design your own plan.

6 resources Twitter for Business has to offer

Twitter for businesses is a support offered by the company in a public way that you can use during your first steps in the network, but also in your day to day. Let's see which are the 6 most interesting tools:

  • guide to creating an account. This is the first step. Twitter establishes some basic guidelines for you to design the public image of your account. This is where the profile photo, header, name, user, biography and the tweets set come into play. Follow its recommendations, take inspiration from other brands and pay attention to detail, as these elements will be the first ones users see when they enter your profile.
  • possibility of launching advertising campaigns. According to figures from OMG and Twitter, users spend 26% more time on ads on this social network compared to other platforms. Therefore, depending on the campaign, it may be interesting to launch a promotion if you are targeting a specific audience. In addition, Twitter Ads offers three possibilities: to advertise a tweet, a video or your own account.

¿Qué beneficios ofrece Twitter para empresas?

  • recommendations for writing tweets: Who better than Twitter to give advice on what works and what doesn't on its platform? On this page, you can find specific tips on how to write organic tweets that give a good image to your brand. It also offers several very useful resources that serve as a guide. For example, it presents a month with good ideas for tweets or specific recommendations for polls, threads or the creation of videos.
  • tips for increasing the number of followers. As with tweets, Twitter for Business proposes specific actions that you can follow to increase your community of users on the network. It is true that the number of followers is not as important as finding loyal customers to the brand, but to do so you must first be able to reach the public.
  • calendar of important events. This tool is very useful for keeping up to date with the topics that will not go unnoticed on the social network. This serves as a complement to Twitter's list of trends that is updated live and will be your greatest ally in creating content that is far-reaching, light and that connects with users. You can also create your own calendar with events related to your business sector.
  • Access to your account statistics. It is essential that you keep track of the numbers you achieve on Twitter to check if you are meeting your goals, the impact of your campaigns or which strategies work best. For this, there is Twitter Analytics, which offers statistics with interaction or follower data during a given period. Use this and the rest of the tools to position your brand on Twitter and improve your relationship with customers.

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