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Inbound Marketing is a sales technique that consists of accompanying the customer throughout their buying process and providing them with excellent attention so that they feel comfortable and listened to. We have already talked about Inbound Marketing on other occasions, such as, for example, how to apply this methodology in the real estate sector, given its importance. Therefore, today we will continue to expand on how this method can benefit you, but now in one of the most important and basic sectors in the world and one that we all need: education.
how to carry out an Inbound Marketing strategy in education?
1. Creating thebuyer persona. The most common buyer personas for Inbound Marketing in education are parents or guardians and adult learners.
1.first of all, parents or guardians are the people who are responsible for minors and they usually carry out an exhaustive process of analysis of the centre where these children or teenagers are going to go. Because of its proximity to the home, educational line, prestige, innovative learning methodology, alignment with the family's religious beliefs, etc. There are multiple factors, so with the Inbound Marketing strategy it is important to highlight the qualities of the centre and that these qualities reach the parents or guardians. The objective of the content can focus on positioning the brand, transmitting values, appealing to emotional messages and attracting those responsible for the minors to a personalised or group visit to the centre.
1.2. Secondly, adult learners are those people who may have reached the age of majority and are deciding on their professional career at university or vocational training, or professionals who want to take specific training courses within their sector or individuals who wish to take specific courses for pleasure, as a hobby, for language skills or because they want to try new things. They are a very broad group with different sub-profiles, depending on the type of training centre, but where the target is already an adult and the centre addresses the person who will be the learner directly.
2.Mapping the customer journey: The customer journey is the path that a consumer follows before enrolling in an institution such as a university. In the case of educational institutions, there are many factors that can interrupt the process of approaching the potential student to the decision to buy online, such as a poor user experience with the website, in which the channels for accessing the information they are looking for are not clear; low visibility in important channels of user attraction, such as Google results pages; an unprofessional website structure, which takes away the credibility of the brand in the eyes of the user, etc.
3.Process automation: Before starting to produce the content that will attract users, it is important to have all the necessary tools to carry out the strategy.
4.Create the contents: You must focus on the objectives you want to achieve and choose the topics to be covered, such as career development, job opportunities, necessary skills, etc
5.Analysis of results: It is essential to observe and analyse the results of your strategy. That way you will know what type of content is most productive. Some tools that are useful for this are:
-Google Analytics: This is a Google platform that monitors user behaviour on the website and the traffic generated in different periods.-Google Search Console: A Google tool that provides insights on the technical configuration of the website and its appearance on Google pages.
-Hubspot: It is a free customer management system that concentrates user interactions with the website and offers the automation of processes such as the creation of Landing Pages and Email Marketing flows.
what are the benefits of Inbound Marketing in education?
- More visibility and better reputation. Having an Inbound Marketing strategy in the education and learning sector improves your online presence. You also turn your company's or institution's website into an engine of attraction and you can position yourself as a great reference.
- Increased sales: The strategy will have a return and you will certainly see it reflected in sales and subscriptions. At this point you can see the importance of the analysis and measurement of results that we talked about before.
- Unify communication across all channels. There must be a plan of how to act with all contacts.
Trust your Inbound Marketing strategy in the education sector and you will convert your potential customers into users of your products. In addition, you have already seen the multiple benefits it brings and the strategy and the path to follow. All that remains is to get down to work and wait for the results.