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Capture short and long term leads with Inbound Marketing

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When we dive into the ocean of Inbound Marketing, ready to dive into its waters, we find a large number of techniques that swim together to generate commercial opportunities and branding in companies. Their main food is the experiences of professional teams, and their biggest prey are potential customers, who, in turn, need them to satisfy their needs. The IT sector dreams of achieving this at the speed of light. What it does not yet know is that it is already possible.

They say that to get the right answers you need to ask the right questions, so today we are asking you these questions: do you want to attract potential customers in the short term, do you know how you can achieve this, do you want to boost the profitability of your actions?

let's get going! Inbound Marketing has the answers.

is it possible to attract customers in the short term?

It is the dream of many, but only the reality of those who struggle to achieve it. Achieving immediate results is possible, but it requires something that few companies are willing to endure: reality. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to make a constant effort, keep the flame of optimism and focus on very clear objectives. In In Inbound Marketing there are no magic formulas, but the magic of this methodology is a formula that guarantees positive results.

Clientes potenciales inbound marketingThe techniques that swim in the ocean of Inbound Marketing are the protagonists of the history of companies that manage to attract potential customers in the short term. They combine them, work on them, apply them and take advantage of all the assets of your company to achieve results. For this reason, there is less and less doubt about implementing an Inbound methodology. Some call it the Inboundisation process.

Transforming visits that do not convert and are lost on a certain page into visits that begin to form part of a database is one of the main functions carried out by this process of attraction. The main difference between a long-term Inbound strategy and Inboundisation is that, in the latter, the first phase is accelerated, because instead of starting from scratch, there is the possibility of taking advantage of existing assets.

The key lies in your capabilities.

what challenges do we face in Inbound Marketing?

Having a perfect and appropriate strategy for our technological company is already a challenge in itself. That is why it is important to put yourself in the hands of professionals in the field. How many companies have failed because they made the wrong choice of marketing agencies? Learn about the challenges of Inbound Marketing, be aware of what you should demand and don't let the same thing happen to you.

  • Realism: as we mentioned at the beginning of this post, it is important to be realistic and aware that Inbound Marketing will not work overnight. Companies in the IT sector must be convinced of their perseverance. Otherwise, they will never achieve the results they expect.
  • Some experts agree thatit takes an average of three months to begin to see some results from the Inbound Marketing strategy, although they point out that "it takes between six months and a year to bring really significant results in the positioning of a brand in the digital environment".
  • Planning: It is necessary to analyse and plan how content will be generated, how it will be focused on the different stages of the buyer journey, and what guidelines will be followed. Similarly, it is important to define the goals and objectives that we pursue with the Inbound Marketing strategy.

be realistic, invest time and plan your Inbound Marketing strategy! Do you have something to lose, have you thought about what you could gain?

Nuevo llamado a la acción

Inbound Marketing to build leads

Although it may seem complicated at first glance, the reality is that the Inbound methodology is a philosophy capable of building leads. How does it do this? By distributing valuable content, it is the perfect magnet to attract sales opportunities that turn into potential buyers.

This methodology is having a strong impact today, as it breaks with the traditional marketing paradigm to contribute to a natural attraction. It is, in short, two parties destined to meet: on the one hand, users, and on the other, technology companies. But do you know what the most surprising thing is? That to achieve this, they use tools that are as commonplace as they are moving: social networks, blogs and emails, for example.

Inbound Marketing has become a perfect opportunity for users, as they are the ones who decide what content they want to consume, and it provides them with solutions to their problems and uncertainties. It is a process that starts with strangers visiting your website in the form of users, who could become leads or sales opportunities, and who eventually go from being potential customers to end buyers.

This methodology is a fundamental pillar to achieve the process, and achieving it is essential for the subsistence of SMEs. How would they manage to stay in the market if they had no customers? Certainly not at all. Therefore, when we talk about potential customers, we are not referring to general customers, but to those subjects that have been established as ideal according to a market analysis or marketing study.

Some call it luck, but we prefer to call it ATTRACTION.

In a nutshell:

In order to attract potential customers, companies in the IT sector need to be constant and be aware of the challenges they need to overcome. In addition, it will be necessary to have a consolidated team specialised in Inbound strategies, as well as the techniques that make up their main toolbox. If you want to attract potential customers in the IT sector, you need to put Inbound Marketing into action. And if you have any doubts, you can let us know.

The Inbound methodology opens the way, but it is you who has to take the steps.

forget all the reasons that hold you back and bet on the future!

¡Mejora ahora con una estrategia de Inbound Marketing a tu medida!

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