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How to reduce friction with HubSpot's mobile app

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Friction is all the obstacles that prevent your sales team from optimising their tasks and time to the maximum to deliver more sales. In the blog post on how to implement the frictionless sales model, we developed the idea of using tools that facilitate the more administrative and operational tasks that sales teams are responsible for.

what tasks could you automate so that they are not performed by the sales team?

By automating manual tasks such as data measurement, transcription of messages or information on new leads and prospects, we can optimise the time spent on each of these tasks so that the sales team spends more of its time on tasks that are really beneficial to the company, such as sales.

An interesting tool is Hubspot' s CRM because it is very complete and offers multiple mechanisms that help us with this type of tasks. There is a desktop model, perhaps the best known. However, they also offer a free downloadable mobile application that provides us with all kinds of advantageous tools for our Inbound Marketing strategy, as well as others that implement a frictionless sales model, since they allow the automation of those tedious and administrative tasks, so that the sales team does not have to do them manually.

working from mobile devices?

The Hubspot mobile app, along with the Hubspot desktop, can make this work easier for you. They are completely complementary. This app is designed for both office-based and mobile sales reps. In case you have to travel for work or any travel, where you can't travel with your computer, you can work from your device. Or in case you stay in the office and want to make calls or set up meetings, it will provide you with the tools for more convenience compared to a call without the app.

Trabaja desde cualquier lugar con la app Hubspot

It offers tools such as: call transcription; business card scanner; push notifications; contact reading and multiple other functionalities.

After downloading the app to your device, you will need to log in with the hubspot credentials you use on the desktop version. Once you are logged in, the default start page will open. The Today view is the page that will open every time you start the app. From this view you can access all the actions you need to complete during that day, your tasks, meetings and milestones.

Let's discover one by one the tools it offers us:

  • Call transcription: the mobile app has the option to record calls. When you finish a call, you can take note of the results and create a follow-up task. If you have this option activated, a screen will open after every call you make from the Hubspot mobile app.

  • Create artificially intelligent contacts with the business card scanner: If you are always collecting millions of contact cards, you probably know how tedious it is to enter them into the CRM one by one. With the Hubspot mobile app, you can use your phone's camera to transform the cards into contacts in the CRM.

  • Push notifications: help make sure you don't forget anything, and you can send personalised push notifications using the Workflows tool.

    • Activity notifications alert you when someone opens or clicks on one of your tracked emails.
    • Contact notifications alert you when someone mentions you in a note within a contact or company record.
    • Conversation notifications alert you when a live chat requires your attention
    • Task notifications alert you when a task is about to be due or when someone mentions you in a task.

  • Contact reading: Caller ID is another feature that can be of great help, as it pulls information from your CRM records and displays it before you answer the call.

The aim of the mobile app is to facilitate and streamline the sales team's work process - try the features that best complement your team and allow you to optimise and remove friction from the sales process.

Another benefit of this app is that it can be incorporated into other apps you need in your sales process, such as WhatsApp or other messaging services. You can incorporate the functionality through Hubspot's keyboard. The keyboard allows you to access some of its tools from any app on your phone. With it, you can insert featured snippets, meeting links, documents and quotes into any app that uses a keyboard, such as a messaging app, email app or anything else.

Incorpora la app de Hubspot a tu proceso de ventas

All the tools offered by this mobile application are advantages to implement in an Inbound Marketing strategy . They allow you to monitor and automate all the actions and tasks that the sales team should be responsible for, so that they can optimise their time. By replacing the time they lose in performing manual tasks, they can spend more time selling products, services and have more contact with customers. They can accompany them during the buyer's journey and improve their experience during the buying process with your company, so they will gain more confidence and loyalty, becoming great leads that in the future will promote your company.

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