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how to increase my visibility on Instagram?

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Instagram is one of the most popular social networks today, and although the social network was created several years ago, it continues to grow more and more every day.

In the following post we are going to explain what Instagram is, how its complex algorithm works, and we are going to give 5 recommendations to improve the visibility of your brand on this social network.

what is Instagram?

Instagram is a social network and a mobile application through which the user can upload all kinds of audiovisual content, from images to videos. This mobile application gives the user the option to edit these images and videos as they wish, with the inclusion of filters and effects.

It currently has more than 1 billion users worldwide, and millennials and Generation Z are the users par excellence who use this application the most. Thanks to this application, you can not only publish photos and videos, but it also gives you the option of sharing personal stories, experiences, thoughts, etc

It incorporates functionalities that we can see in other social networks, such as the so-called stories, which are publications that are uploaded to the network and are in the cloud for a maximum of 24 hours. These were initially characteristics of the Snapchat social network, but were later incorporated by other mobile applications such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Another characteristic element of this social network is the reels, which are videos similar to those found on the TikTok social network, and which have a maximum duration of 60 seconds.

Unlike TikTok, where it is much easier to go viral due to its algorithm, achieving good results on Instagram is not an easy task. It requires constant work, patience and attention to detail, essential ingredients for the success of your brand.

The great challenge posed by this application is to ensure that our publications get a good reach, that is, that we reach a large number of users with our publications. In the last year, Instagram has made many changes to the algorithm, which has meant that the chances of users seeing our publications are much lower.

How to use Instagram's algorithm to gain visibility

Instagram's algorithm works in a very complex way. It's not about putting effort into the quantity of posts you upload to the platform, it's about making quality and relevant content to get reactions from the audience.

It is the essential tool to gain visibility on Instagram. We are going to give a series of tips to manage this algorithm in a way that increases the visibility of our brand.

  • Quality content: We must pay special attention to the posts we upload. It must be attractive content for the user. Quality is more important than quantity.
  • Variation in publications: We should not always publish images, we should vary the content. Using the functionalities that Instagram offers you such as stories or reels and including them in your daily content is a good tool for reaching more users.
  • Know my audience: We must know our audience and know what kind of content they like, so we know what to post and what not to post.
  • Upload your posts at a time when Instagram users are most connected. On Instagram, people tend to be more active in the late afternoon or on Sunday afternoons.

5 recommendations to increase your brand's visibility on Instagram

  1. Optimise our profile

You should optimise your Instagram profile so that the user can access you easily and quickly. Include in your profile the company's telephone number, the location of your headquarters and a link to your website.

It is also necessary to include a clear and simple section where you explain what your company does and what it offers.

  1. Take advantage of user-generated content

The user is the key element. You should take advantage of user-generated content to promote your brand. Using other users' content and giving them credit for it will help to make your profile more visible.

Having a participative community on Instagram will allow me to use the content of others to bring it to my account. This tool is very useful because it is very economical and effective for our brand.

We must take advantage of this element with consistency and care in the content we upload. Including the user in your content and giving them the opportunity to be part of your brand will influence the image of your company.

  1. Interact with the user

It is very important that when you upload a publication you interact with the user who is going to see it. You can do this by responding to user comments or messages sent to you via private chat.

You can also take the first step by commenting on user posts in which the brand has been tagged. With a simple like or comment you can make a user's day.

This is a practical and useful way to gain visibility on Instagram and keep in touch with the user. When others see that you are interested in the content they upload, they will see a sense of recognition for the brand.

  1. Use of hashtags.

This is one of the most important tools for gaining visibility on Instagram. If you make good use of hashtags when you upload your posts, the visibility of your brand can increase considerably.

We must be very selective when uploading hashtags. We must select hashtags that do not have a lot of competition and also that are not very specific. The intermediate point is to select hashtags that are known but that do not have much competition on the network.

  1. Good use of stories

Instagram stories are a key instrument for generating traffic on the network. In stories you can upload all kinds of content, from a post you have published on your Instagram profile to an article on your website.

They are the gateway to the content that our brand publishes. We can use them as a tool through which we offer information to the user, but not complete, leaving them wanting more. In this way we awaken the user's interest and we can make them access our publications or our website.

The interesting thing about Instagram is that any user can upload my post to their stories, which in turn can attract a large number of users.

Instagram is a complex tool to attract visibility to my brand. However, a good use of the recommendations that we have left you in this post can considerably increase the traffic of users on Instagram. We hope this post has helped you!

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