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Become an Inbound Marketing Agency

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Inbound marketing is a methodology that combines non-intrusive marketing and advertising techniques with the aim of contacting a user at the beginning of their purchase process and accompanying them through to the final transaction.

The main purpose of this methodology is to contact people who are at the beginning of the purchasing process for a specific product. From here, they are accompanied, through appropriate content for each of the phases of the purchasing process and their profile, until the final transaction, always in a "friendly" way. And, subsequently, they are made loyal.

what is an inbound marketing agency?

An inbound marketing agency is an agency that has adopted the fundamentals of inbound marketing for itself and its clients. An inbound agency believes in the inbound marketing methodology and aligns its services at all stages; attraction, conversion, closing and delight. Inbound agencies also focus on setting goals and providing a high return on investment (ROI) to their clients.

Services offered by inbound agencies include:

  • Traffic generation: There are many things an agency can do to help a client drive traffic to their website. Some of the most important services you can offer to attract the right leads are: creating blog posts, taking SEO into account, having a good web design and making social media posts.

  • Lead generation: After you have helped your client to properly drive traffic to their website, you need to separate the casual visitors from those who have a real interest in what you offer. Some lead generation services you can offer include: calls to action, landing pages and form creation, and lead management.

  • Customer acquisition: Once you have generated leads, it makes sense that you want to convert them into customers for your client. Some of the best services you can offer to amplify this conversion are: email marketing, marketing automation, CRM setup or management.

  • Demonstrate ROI with inbound services: They help you demonstrate the value of your work to your clients. Having clear analytics that demonstrate the ROI of the efforts you make for your clients not only helps you as an agency to improve your strategy, but you can also explain the value your agency provides with this data. If you offer inbound services, you can monitor your leads from the moment they visit a website until they close the sale.

Challenges facing inbound agencies

There are many agencies that are increasingly embracing the inbound methodology primarily to meet three challenges:

  • Difficulty in proving ROI: To prove marketing ROI you must leverage analytics - update your closed-loop analytics and find out which metrics really matter to your clients.

  • Unpredictable project work: Stop wasting the energy of your sales executives by not having enough work and sales opportunities. Instead, invest in proactively and effectively creating a marketing strategy for your agency. Increasing the size of your client accounts is the most effective way to increase your agency's revenue and improve its stability.

  • Lead generation issues: To increase the reach of your new business programme and create a predictable growth plan, you need a solid lead generation strategy.

Unlike most promotional activities that companies do and that usually represent an expense for companies, in inbound, we could say that the money we use is an investment. While, for example, an online advertising campaign delivers concrete results, when we create content within the framework of an inbound strategy, it remains present on our website.


Give wings to your marketing strategy with Occam, your Inbound Agency

At Occam, we work with the automation offered by HubSpot's CRM, a tool to centralise all your marketing tasks and keep track of your contacts. Make sure that all the users who come to you do so because they are genuinely interested in what you tell them through your blog or social networks.

That's why Occam Inbound Marketing Agency in Madrid has become the link between any business (without exception) and the most modern marketing.

  • It helps you adapt your ways of selling to new consumer habits.
  • Use tools to attract potential customers, starting with the definition of your buyer persona.
  • Generate valuable content following the stages of the buyer's journey (Discovery, Consideration and Decision) according to the part of the funnel they are in: TOFU, MOFU or BOFU.
  • Increase the presence of your brand wherever the potential customer is present: social networks (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram...), blogs, etc.
  • Optimise the performance of your website, applying Growth Driven Design (GDD) if necessary.
  • Improve your company's relationship with your customers while educating them.
  • Speak the language of the potential customer and connect with them by analysing their demographic characteristics, concerns, objectives, challenges, etc., through the buyer persona.
  • It increases trust and credibility in your brand.
  • And of course, it is much more profitable because it never shoots blindly. An Inbound Marketing agency will know how, where and when it will be more appropriate to offer content to your leads or contact them.
  • The use of video as an added value to your marketing strategy.

At Occam we believe that the greatest challenge is constant development. We have made it possible. Effort, work, dedication and continuous focus is the path we have designed to achieve our main objectives to become a HubSpot Inbound Marketing Gold Partner agency. None of this would have been possible without HubSpot's cutting-edge tools, whose software gives us a wide world of possibilities associated with its leadership in the digitisation of marketing processes.

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