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How to create an NPS survey

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It is very likely that many times in your life, when you have completed a purchase, you have received a message, an email or a push message asking you to take a survey about your experience buying or consuming a product or service. Well, these types of messages in the form of surveys are called NPS or Net Promoter Score, a score from 0 to 10 to measure the degree of satisfaction of a customer with the service provided by a company.

It's a very useful way to quantify the impact our company has on customers, whether positive or negative. How can we do an NPS? And more importantly, how do we customise the perfect survey? Here we explain it to you.

what is an NPS?

NPS stands for Net Promoter Score. A Net Promoter Score is a score from 0 to 10 that measures the willingness of customers to recommend a company's products or services to others.

This customer rating system is used to see a customer's overall satisfaction with a company's product or service, as well as their loyalty to a brand.

do you want to know how to calculate your Net Promoter Score? Click here and start using this simple and very useful tool .

Net Promoter Score Surveys

An NPS survey is a simple two-part survey consisting of a rating question and a free-response supplement. NPS surveys help you quantify customer loyalty while providing you with qualitative feedback to help you improve your customers' experience.

Grow your online business by using an online questionnaire. You can easily create your NPS survey. Just follow the same steps again : NPS question + Open question. The advantage of creating an online questionnaire is that you can add other questions and deepen your analysis. You will have the possibility to cross-reference your NPS results with personal customer data : age, gender, occupation, sector of activity, so you will get profiles by customer segmentation.

These important surveys can provide a deep insight into your business from the mind of your customer and keep you aware of any potential issues with your brand.

The best way to use these surveys is to use conditional logic to create different NPS survey questions below the score. That way, you can ask someone who rates your business a 1 a different follow-up question to the one that rated your business a 10.

There are two types of NPS surveys: relationship and transaction surveys. Use both to compare your overall customer experience and point out areas for improvement.

  • Relationship NPS: A relationship survey measures loyalty to your brand based on the overall experience. Because of their breadth, relationship surveys are a good measure for benchmarking the customer experience to see if the various moves you make make make a difference.

  • Transactional NPS: A tNPS survey asks for feedback linked to a specific moment of customer contact: post-purchase, post-service interaction or post-incorporation. transactional surveys are a good way to pinpoint exactly what is needed to improve the experience for a specific customer.

How to conduct an NPS survey step-by-step

the first part of an NPS survey is a single question: How likely are you to recommend us to a friend? Respondents choose a numerical score between 0 and 10. The higher the score, the more likely they are to recommend you; the lower the score, the less likely.

The second part of an NPS survey is a free-response follow-up question. This allows respondents to provide context for their chosen numerical score. This is the true potential of NPS; hearing your customers' valuable feedback in their own words.

An NPS survey is really made up of these two steps, however, there are several elements to consider when creating our survey:

  • The use of NPS question templates: You can create different templates depending on our objectives. You can have different designs depending on whether you want to customise a survey for a segment of your customers, whether you want to create a survey based on opinions and feedback, or whether you want your own employees to conduct an NPS survey regarding your role within the company.

  • Frequency of delivery: NPS surveys are most effective when they are sent out after your customers have had a full experience with your product or service. There is no hard and fast rule as to the frequency of surveys, but you should tailor the pace of surveys to your industry, as well as the type of survey. It is very important to keep in mind that you should not overwhelm the customer with your surveys either, so good timing will be crucial.

  • The length of surveys: The advantage of an NPS survey, compared to a traditional survey, is its brevity. Consequently, NPS surveys, with their two-question format, have much higher response rates than traditional surveys. So the simpler your survey is, the more likely you are to get your customers to complete it. To keep the survey as efficient and effective as possible, limit yourself to 10 additional questions after answering the initial NPS survey.

In conclusion, NPS has been adopted by the vast majority of companies to measure customer satisfaction on a regular basis. It is an extremely simple calculation that can be easily compared to other companies within your industry.

We encourage you to set up your NPS study and start measuring if the improvement actions you are taking in your company are being perceived by your customers. Click here to learn some of thetricks that will help you improve your NPS.


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