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Steps to create an SEO content strategy

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Nowadays, having an SEO content strategy is essential if you want to position your website at the top of the search engine results. Likewise, online competition is increasingly strong and it is very important to know how to differentiate yourself by carrying out marketing actions that enhance your brand.

Good content, i.e. content that really contributes and is useful for users, is Google's favourite. For this reason, it is very important to make a strategic planning of the content you want to show on your various online channels. Google in its general SEO guidelines indicates that a website should have useful information and that the content should be written clearly and accurately. It also indicates that it is important to think about the words with which users could search for your products or services, i.e. keywords , and include them on your website.

A survey reveals that 71% of people shop online monthly and 47% search Google for information about products before purchasing them. This means that you could be missing out on a large number of sales by not implementing an SEO content strategy. In short, this is the best way to attract customers, as you are giving them what they are asking for.

10 steps to create your SEO content strategy

Identify your target audience

It is very important that you are clear about who your business is aimed at, that is, who you want to sell to. This is key for your content to reach your target audience or buyer persona and not be wasted on users who are not going to consume your products or services. This way you can define the themes and tone of the content.

Identify keywords

Once you have defined your buyer persona(s), you must identify the keywords for your business. In other words, you must analyse the types of searches that are made in your sector and which are the best words to position your website. You can use Google Trends, a free Google tool that allows you to see the searches that people make in this search engine.

Analyse the competition

It is important that you can identify which companies have authority in the searches in which you want to appear. To do this, you can use Screaming Frog, thanks to which you can find out which keywords your competitors use and how their content is structured. You can also use MozBar, which is used to analyse relevant information about your competitors, such as page and domain authority.

Blogs by topic

If you have a blog, one of the SEO strategies is to work by topic. In this way you can organise the articles and determine the level of importance between them. This way you can avoid generating duplicate content. Remember that the topics you are going to cover must be current and adjusted to the needs of your users.

Plan the content

An SEO content strategy is to order and plan. Once you know who you are targeting, the topics and the action you expect to carry out, it is key that you plan your content. A calendar will help you to have control over the progress of your SEO content strategy. Thanks to the planning you can evaluate the use of the best keywords, which we recommend using them both in the title and in the content, in the internal links, in photos and video. But do not abuse, otherwise the text will look like spam.

Take care of the images

Not only the text, but also the images on your website should be SEO friendly. For example, if the image is of the Crystal Palace, the file name should be "palacio-cristal-madrid.jpg". This way, you are telling Google what the image is about. Also, remember that images influence the loading time of a web page, the faster the better. Otherwise, users will not wait long and will look for another option.

Include videos

Users' preference for visual content continues to grow. Videos are the web traffic generators par excellence. We recommend you take into account and use this format in an entertaining, dynamic and original way. Implement this strategy as a complement to your texts and you will see results.

Responsive design

If you do not have a responsive design, that is to say, one that can be viewed on any device, your website will drop in the search results. Obviously, if this happens, your visibility and visits will decrease.

Good content

Your audience comes first, the algorithm comes after. Develop useful, original and creative content. Before writing, think about how your product or service helps your target audience. Remember to be friendly, be careful with spelling mistakes, give advice and don't forget to keep your brand tone throughout your article. Your articles should be between 1000 to 1200 words, as studies show that more elaborate articles tend to get better SEO results.

Measure your SEO strategy

Google offers its free Google Search Console tool that helps you to analyse, optimise and verify the status of your website in search engines. By showing you all the errors that Google finds when it reads your website, you will be able to solve them faster. Another free and very useful tool is Google Analytics, which is used to analyse all your online traffic and determine your marketing metrics. With this tool you can evaluate your positioning, traffic per channel, new and recurring users or total conversions, among other features.

Remember that SEO content strategy is a job that requires time, research and patience. Don't forget that your audience comes first and if you know how to reach them and help them, the positioning and results will come by themselves. We hope this article will help you to improve your content strategy and don't forget to put them into practice.

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