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how should I target the SEO content of my website?

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When we talk about the importance of SEO in the IT sector we refer to web positioning. Why do we want to improve it, how does it help us to increase our visibility? These seem like obvious questions, don't they? Companies have become increasingly aware of the advantages of making themselves known and increasing their visibility on internet search engines, as it opens up a world of opportunities for their brands.

what should a good SEO strategy optimise?

When applying an SEO strategy, it must address the elements that make up our website. Some of these elements that need to be worked on are the keywords we use in titles, descriptions, URLs, headers, images and, above all, the body text.

  • Title: The first thing you should do is to create attractive titles, but above all brief, preferably no longer than 70 characters. It is essential to describe what the user is going to find once they enter our website.

It is important at all times to describe to the user our activities and what we do so that the title matches the user's search results.

  • Meta-description: The meta-description is a brief summary of the content of our website. Take the opportunity to work the keywords that our buyer persona is looking for in the meta-descriptions of all the pages, so that it is related to the content of the specific page. Ideally, it should not exceed 140 characters in total.

  • URL: The URL should contain the keyword and, remember, the URL also has to inform users and search engines about what our website or page is about. An informative URL will allow users to understand what they will find before clicking on it.

Separate words with hyphens and avoid long URLs with numbers, symbols and parameters that can confuse the user or even transmit a lack of security in our link.

  • Headers: It is important to work and add the keywords in the header of the pages of our site, and even quote the name of our website. The headers also help the text to be digestible, easy to read and able to attract the user's attention.

Do not neglect the meaning of the header, whose text should help define the page, both for users and for search engines.

  • Images: It is advisable to add a description to the images on your website because they will increase the chances of your page being found by search engines. The description of the images should be descriptive and brief. Do not use too many keywords at the same time; be consistent. Otherwise, you may be considered as spam.

  • Body Text: Create original and quality content and add the main keyword in the text and its variations.

The most important thing is that you don't obsess about optimising only for search engines but also take your buyer persona into account. Then orientate the whole process towards search engines.

SEO copywriting

To write good SEO copy we just need to use common sense, and in many cases having a list of the obvious can help, so I hope the following guidelines will help to dispel some of the myths of SEO copywriting:

  • Originality: writing your texts in an original way is fundamental, we can collect content from another website but never copy-paste.

  • Take into account your buyer persona: it is not the same writing content for a business blog aimed at executives as it is for a price-oriented e-commerce. In each case the public is going to be looking for something, and if we speak to them in a different language to what they expect to find, it can increase the bounce rate and be detrimental. Likewise, take care of the approach we give it.

  • Provide relevant information: always try to generate value and provide content that is not found anywhere else: it can be at an informative level, the format in which it is presented, or the way it is told.

  • Be careful with the length: the ideal are interesting texts, of more than 200 words. That said, the main thing is that they make sense in the context in which they are, if there is not enough content, it is better to keep it short than to add noise without justification.

  • Attention to keywords: keywords must be in the text. The closer they are to the beginning, the more important they will be for positioning. In this sense, it is advisable for the keyword to appear in the first 100 words, especially because if the text is talking about it, it comes up naturally.

  • Be careful with spelling: check that there are no grammatical, syntactic or spelling mistakes. Google hates badly written content, however much Yahoo answers continue to rank, but the user hates it even more. There are few things worse than a badly written page.

  • Use internal links: this is a key point to get a user to spend more time browsing our website. Adding hyperlinks to keywords will arouse the user's curiosity and they will spend more time visiting our content.

why is it important to optimise SEO in the IT sector?

In the midst of the technological revolution, also known as the era of digital transformation, companies and businesses are immersed in an increasingly globalised market. What does this mean? Advances in the IT sector mean that the main focus for companies is their online presence.

In this way, SEO optimisation is the main tool for the IT sector to achieve potential customers in an increasingly informed world. Contrasting and comparing options has become a task within everyone's reach. It is no longer enough to have a website. The IT sector must work on an attractive design, social networks and optimal positioning.

como crear buyer personas

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