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Objectives that your Inbound Marketing strategy must meet

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Hey, welcome to the place where you will learn about all the requirements your Inbound Marketing strategy should meet.

It won't surprise you to know that its ultimate goal has always been to attract consumers through valuable content, in order to achieve a sale. But, over time, it has come to the conclusion that a sale could never be the outcome (unless you want to be an average company). You will only have reached the goal when you understand that the sales funnel is not an end point, but a continuous cycle where the important thing is that the customer buys from you over and over again.

Now that you have that clear, let's see what are the objectives and necessary requirements of the Inbound methodology. Join us!

7 Inbound Marketing objectives

If you've come this far, it's very likely that you're considering implementing an Inbound Marketing strategy, you're already working on it, or you're just curious about it.

In any case, here you will find the answers you are looking for. We have compiled the Inbound Marketing objectives:

  1. Accompany users throughout thepurchase cycle, from attraction and conversion, to seduction and loyalty.
  2. To do this, we propose the use of the following techniques: defining the buyer persona and buyer journey, generating content adapted to the user profile and their purchase phase, SEO techniques (long tail keywords and linkbuilding) and social networks to disseminate the content generated on the blog (they create engagement, build community and increase visibility).
  3. Convert them into leads or sales opportunities. The techniques used in this phase are: Call To Action (CTA) (they must include a copy that attracts attention and incites to click), landing pages (the user is redirected after clicking on a CTA), forms (this is the step in which visitors register their data and become leads), thank you pages (we complete the process by thanking the user for having entrusted us with their data) and CRM (leads are useless if we don't follow up on them to convert them into customers).
  4. Toconvert leads into customers, we will use email marketing (the emails sent are personalised to reach the heart of the user), lead nurturing (nurturing leads with what they are looking for), workflows (we will know how the lead nurturing has worked and we will control the actions to drive the sales opportunities to the end of the funnel) and lead scoring (to qualify the leads according to the interest they have shown).
  5. Loyalise those prospects that end up becoming customers (humanise the attention, personalise the experience, offer additional services and do email marketing).
  6. Set SMART objectives as part of your online strategy (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound).
  7. Turn your company into a lead magnet without using intrusive advertising techniques, but in a natural way.

"Digital marketing is expensive" - no, what is expensive is getting it wrong.

Requirements to implement an effective Inbound strategy

Below, we show you how to set up an Inbound Marketing strategy step by step:

  • Define your business objectives, remember that these must be SMART, for example: increase by 11% the number of users who make a purchase.
  • Describe your buyer persona or target audience, which consists of creating a fictitious customer profile to which you can direct your marketing actions.
  • Create a content strategy. This is the vehicle through which you must deliver value to the user. To do this, you must rely on the buyer persona created, as well as the keywords that define the tastes and needs of the target. Tools such as Google Adwords allow you to know these terms, their search volume and the competition.
  • Implement the necessary marketing actions to transform visitors into leads and loyal customers. Examples: content marketing, SEO and social networks
  • Qualify leads once you have received contacts through different channels and categorise them according to interest, type of contact and the information you contain about them, using lead scoring (identify leads that could potentially buy to focus your efforts).
  • Measure results, and do it constantly: which contents work and which don't? What kind of users have registered in the form? Measuring and interpreting the results of your campaigns is essential to correct and optimise the whole process.

are you clear about the requirements and objectives of Inbound Marketing? If you have any doubts, call us at Occam Agencia Digital and we will be delighted to hear from you.

is the conversion funnel disappearing or transforming?

Like everything in life, the sales funnel is also evolving, and it is evolving towards a wheel or flywheel that feeds back to take advantage of the effort and momentum put into the process. This is the new way of approaching marketing and sales to give more importance to loyalty and the possibility that the customer will continue to buy from us.

Therefore, we are not talking about the disappearance of the conversion funnel, but its transformation into a continuous cycle. The reasons why the funnel should be rethought are as follows:

  • Everything is changing.
  • Word of mouth is becoming more and more important in the purchasing decision.
  • The notable loss of customer confidence in salespeople.

In short, the new sales funnel has gone from being a linear concept to a wheel where each step depends on the previous one.

are you clear about the objectives of Inbound Marketing?

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