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what does the marketing department do?

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have you ever wondered what a marketing department does? Who works in a marketing department? The goal of every company, brand or business is to get new customers, and to do so, the marketing department plays a fundamental role. Having an effective marketing team can have a positive impact on the company. Thanks to a good work in this area can boost the growth and profitability of the company. Simply put, the marketing department is the visible face of the organisation, coordinating and producing all the content that represents it, with the aim of reaching customers, investors and / or the community.

The head of marketing is the chief marketing officer, an executive responsible for overseeing all marketing activities of the company. He or she is also responsible for overall brand management and handles marketing tasks such as market research and marketing communications. One of the main objectives of the marketing department is to create an overall image that represents the brand in a positive way.

It is very important that your marketing team is clear about the goals you want to achieve and what actions they will take to achieve them. This is where the SMART goals you want to achieve come into play. The marketing department should have everything defined and planned, i.e. they should know what you want to achieve as a brand, in how long, and to what extent in order to design the actions that will help you achieve it.

For your marketing department to work, tasks and projects must be well defined. By working in projects you will be able to set clear objectives and actions. You can also assign a project to a certain number of people and divide the tasks. This way, you will have everything under control and well planned. Don't forget to set times, as it is important to organise a work schedule so you can keep track of the progress or delays of the projects that your marketing department sets up.

Functions of the marketing department

1. Define and manage the brand:

It is important to define who the company is, what it represents, what it says about, what it does and how it acts. This will help shape the experience we want customers and partners to have in every interaction with our brand. Remember that the brand goes beyond a logo. It goes from naming it, to defining its identity and personality and how to activate it in different areas of the company. It is a fundamental driver of your business, and it is the marketing department that is in charge of its conception, development and implementation.

2. Management of marketing campaigns and initiatives:

It involves planning, executing, monitoring and analysing a marketing initiative; sometimes focused on the launch of a new product or an event. Marketing identifies products and services in order to focus on the course of their sales process and then produce content and communications to disseminate it.

3. Planning and executing marketing strategies:

One of the functions of the marketing department is to define marketing objectives, plan strategies and execute or manage the tasks to achieve them. It is very important that the company has its objectives well defined in order to be able to plan strategies and execute them through various marketing actions.

4. Produce marketing content:

The contents that are created should describe and promote the main products and/or services. Also, these contents should always be updated, and go hand in hand with the evolution of the products or services.

5. Search engine optimisation for the website:

The company's website is the company's calling card. It is usually the first contact our customers have with our brand and it is where they go in search of more information. One of the functions of the marketing department is to keep the web content up to date, ensure that it is displayed quickly, as well as ensuring that it appears among the first search engine results.

6. Manage social media:

Being close to all users is key to the correct positioning of a company. Good social media management will help build good relationships with customers through. Marketing managers should manage and maintain the company's social media pages. They should also manage the accounts and look in great detail at what is being posted, what it is being posted for and what they want to generate from the post.

7. Internal communications:

All change starts from the inside out. It is important that employees understand the company, its values, its goals and its priorities. The marketing department is also responsible for internal communications to employees through a newsletter or intranet.

8. Media liaison:

In the event that the company is summoned to a meeting with the media, a member of the marketing department will represent the company. He or she will act as a spokesperson or guide. In fact, this is one of the most important functions of the marketing department.

9. Market research:

This is carried out through a set of research on competition, customers, demand, supply, environmental characteristics, distribution channels, product sales locations, advertising, promotion, pricing, etc. Research is a fundamental process in any business, as it helps to define markets and opportunities. It also helps to understand how products and services are perceived.

10. Measure results:

After carrying out a whole series of actions, the marketing department should measure the results of these. In this way, it will determine what the impact was and whether it was positive or negative. Data is the most important asset of this department, as it contributes to the improvement and evolution of marketing actions.

Now you know a little more about the functions performed by the marketing department within a company.

Tell us if you have a marketing department.

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