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Digital advertising is here to stay, like everything else, with new technologies, advertising has had to reinvent itself, with all that new technologies bring us, it would not be logical not to take advantage of them and continue only with traditional advertising strategies.
There is a large number of sectors that could not be conceived without online advertising, digital advertising is increasingly becoming the star of any marketing strategy. In this post we will tell you what digital advertising is, what its characteristics are and with them, what advantages it brings to our business strategy.
what is digital advertising?
We can define digital advertising as a set of techniques and strategies for dissemination, promotion and communication of a company within the digital environment. Within the Internet there are a large number of channels and platforms that help us not only to reach the largest possible number of users, but also to reach our target audience.
Therefore, we can briefly summarise the definition of online advertising as the set of strategies that are carried out on the internet to make a company's products or services known to society. In other words, it is the same as traditional advertising but with new channels. As such, it is still only a few years old, something that forces us to be aware of the changes and constantly reinvent ourselves, if we keep up to date with the new tools that are emerging, we will also evolve along with our strategies.
Characteristics of digital advertising
- Two-way communication
Thanks to digital advertising, you will be able to communicate much better with your users, not only will you be able to address them directly, but they will be able to address you, there will be feedback from them, which allows us to know more about their tastes, desires, concerns and all the opinions they have about your brand. Thanks to this and the fact that the user can easily communicate with us through the networks, email or even a form, we will be able to get closer to our potential customers much more than with traditional advertising. - Segmentation
Thanks to this communication that we mentioned earlier, we know a great deal of information about our potential customers, and thanks to all this information that they themselves provide us with, we can segment them depending on the medium we want to use. By doing this, what we are achieving is to directly target our message to our target audience.
For example: If we have the data of the geographical location of a person, i.e. their address, we can segment the message. If we open a new store of our business in Fuenlabrada, it will be convenient to send this information to people in southern Madrid, because if we have a public whose residence is in the north of Madrid, it is much less likely to go to Fuenlabrada.
- Low cost
Due to this hyper segmentation that we talked about in the previous point, we can direct our advertising directly to our target audience, so we will not only increase the likelihood of purchase, but we will save a lot of money in directing our advertising to an audience that is not interested in it. On the other hand, the digital advertising campaign itself is much simpler and less expensive than the vast majority of traditional media. Not only are we saving money thanks to digital advertising, we are also saving time, it is all much faster and more flexible. - Measurable results
One of the most important features of digital advertising is the ease of measuring the results, not only can you get the results with extreme accuracy, but you can get them in real time. Yes, as you read, if you launch a message on the Internet, you can know at all times how many people have reached that message, and which of them have made some kind of action regarding our ad as click or make an enquiry. - Speed
Speed and instantaneity is a fundamental characteristic of digital advertising, if you have a good idea, you can achieve that even in hours it is ready to be published and reach a large number of users in a matter of minutes. - Up-to-date information
All the information you have on the internet can be changed whenever you want, which allows you not only to correct possible mistakes, but also to be constantly updated about your audience, something that is very complicated in traditional advertising: if you want to update a poster you have placed outside or a TV advert, it can take much longer than with digital advertising. - Flexibility
We must check if our advertising strategy is failing or is not giving the expected results, because as we said before, measuring our strategy is very simple and we can get those results at the same time. As we said in the previous point, it is very simple and quick to change the information or even the strategy, by modifying certain points we can go from a failed strategy to a successful one. - Diverse formats
There are a large number of formats on the Internet, which means that we have a great variety when it comes to launching a message to the public. The important thing is to know your target audience, something that you will achieve by defining your buyer persona. Once you know who you are targeting, you will know their tastes, and above all their preferences when it comes to consuming content. This is the moment when you can choose one format or another, for certain sectors or audiences it will be more appropriate to make a video and for others text will be the one that prevails. - Impact
Our digital advertising will have a much greater impact than traditional advertising, as we said before, the target audience is infinitely more segmented, so converting our audience is much easier, since the chances of reaching our potential customers are much higher, thus reaching the audience we are looking for, to which our strategy is directly aimed.
Digital advertising is here to stay, of course, reinventing itself more and more and providing more and more facilities within any online marketing strategy, now that you are clear about its characteristics and with them you have been able to see all the advantages it has over traditional advertising, what are you not already working on your online marketing strategy?