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Tips for building customer loyalty

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Customer loyalty is a marketing concept whose objective is to achieve through a series of techniques that a customer who has already obtained a product from your company chooses you again for their next purchase. What you want to achieve with this is that the user becomes a regular customer and thus ends up recommending your brand to others. But this is sometimes not easy to achieve, for that reason following a series of tips and strategies that we are going to give you today will be essential for your business.

Consejos para fidelizar a tus clientes

The 9 best strategies to achieve customer loyalty

  1. humanise customer service. One of the main complaints about customer services is that they seem robotic or unnatural, even though the user is interacting with people and not with answering machines. Serve your customers with empathy, sympathy and understanding. It is key that you can generate a sense of closeness with your customers to generate a relationship and keep them coming back to your company.
  2. personalise the experience. Closely related to the previous point, it is important that you know the details of the person you are talking to in order to treat them with closeness and empathy, at least their name. Also, if you have access to any preferences or specific situations of your customer, use this information for the next interaction .
  3. create a loyalty programme. Don't forget that the relationship doesn't end with the purchase. The important thing is to create a consumption goal and let the customer understand that they win if they stay loyal to your brand. Some of the most common loyalty programmes are the famous stamp cards or VIP cards. Similarly, don't forget to provide birthday benefits such as a gift or a discount and don't leave your oldest customers behind.
  4. pay attention to metrics: It is important to analyse your company's costs and investment capacity .
  5. Use email marketing. Email marketing is one of the strategies to build customer loyalty that you should implement if you want to keep in touch with your customers. Creating a continuous communication allows you to evaluate how the user feels about your brand and offer possible solutions if a problem has arisen or if you notice that something is not right. We recommend sending a monthly email and do not fill the customer's email with spam. Try to inform about your company's news such as product launches, events and interesting content.
  6. generate a community: This is a great idea within social networks, as we manage to create a community in which different loyal customers communicate with other customers and end up convincing them of how good the brand is, thus creating a long-term brand-customer relationship.
  7. take care of the content: we will not succeed in building customer loyalty if they do not feel comfortable with the information we offer them, we have to work hard on the content, we must offer quality content that is personalised for the customer, only then will we give them the necessary confidence to build customer loyalty.
  8. Exceeding expectations: Nothing causes greater pleasure and surprise than receiving more than what you were promised, especially when it is customary or normal that in the best of cases you barely receive what you expected.
  9. Motivated staff: The degree of motivation of your employees has a direct influence on the way you treat your customers. Everything you can do to help your employees and create a good atmosphere will result in higher customer satisfaction.

Consejos para fidelizar a tus clientes

Advantages for customer loyalty

  • You gain financially: Retaining customers who have already purchased our products or services is much simpler and cheaper than generating new ones, as it is not necessary to implement very costly marketing actions. Moreover, thanks to the loyalty of potential customers, we generate more income than if we were to acquire new customers.
  • Improvements over the competition: If you have built up customer loyalty, they will decide to buy what they need from you rather than go to the competition.
  • You get more information about them. By having loyal customers with our brand we have information about them, we know how they behave, their basic personal data, what interests them more and what less, and with this, what their needs are, in order to provide them with it.
  • It increases the amount customers spend on your brand. By building customer loyalty, we are not only getting them to buy more frequently, but also tends to increase the money they spend on it. In other words, by trusting the brand, they spend more on it .

Customer loyalty has become a key strategy in Inbound marketing. Remember that you must always take care of your customers, from the moment they are prospects until after they have purchased. Don't wait any longer and build customer loyalty to keep them!

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