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10 reasons to develop corporate videos in your company

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Building trust or making an impact on your potential customers can be done in many ways, but one of the most effective is through corporate videos.

Video has the power to significantly increase the results of your marketing campaigns - according to HubSpot, including a video on a landing page increases conversions by 80%, and a video embedded in an email increases click-through rates by 65%.

Whether for branding, recruitment, training or pure virality, corporate video production offers numerous advantages to companies, and today we'll tell you what they are.

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10 reasons to invest in corporate video production

  • #1 It favours employee recruitment

Including a video in your job advertisements or on your job page can spark the interest of job seekers and set you apart from other organisations.

If you want to attract the best candidates, differentiating yourself is crucial, especially in sectors where there is strong competition for talent.

  • #2 Contribute to increasing customer awareness

Corporate videos can also be used as a tool to educate and engage potential customers. You can create a branded video that educates customers about a product or service and guides them through the buying process.

When you use a video as a lead generation tool, you create a more personal connection with your audience. Who better to educate customers about your brand and your product or service offerings than the people who work at your company?

  • #3 Reach the consumer's mind better

According to what is known as the image superiority effect, people remember elements represented with images better than those presented with words. In other words, people will remember what they see in a video or an image more than what they read.

  • #4 Improve branding and sales

Video provides the value, relevance and flexibility that consumers are looking for. You shouldn't make video marketing a part of your business strategy just because it's fun and trendy, but because it really helps people digest information, playing on multiple senses at the same time.

Research by EyeView showed that corporate video is moving from being just a branding tool to a sales and branding tool, continually helping to drive online and offline sales.

More than half of marketers agree that video content works at all stages of the purchase funnel.

  • #5 Generate more organic traffic

Video marketing generates more organic traffic, which is, by the way, one of the biggest generators of visits for online businesses. To be more precise, video can increase organic traffic from search engines by 157%. The lower the bounce rate of your website and the higher your quality in the eyes of Google, the more organic traffic you can attract.

how to reduce bounce rate? By engaging your visitors and making them stay longer on your web pages, and above all, by using tools like video, which has an incredibly high level of engagement and makes people spend 2.6 times more time on a web page.

  • #6 Generate more leads on social media

Video is one of the most consumed pieces of content on social media. If your video is relevant to your audience and resonates with them, they will share it with others who they think will find it useful or have a similar reaction to it. This allows your message to reach more potential customers. Plus, this type of organic targeting means your content will naturally reach the right people.

  • #7 Better suited to SEO

Video is the format of choice for search engines, so every business needs to have a strong corporate video. Since Google bought YouTube, a business website's search engine ranking is highly dependent on its video content.

  • #8 Helps business development

Corporate videos are also a useful tool when presenting a proposal to a new client who probably hasn't heard of you before. It will give them a good idea about your company.

Coupled with good SEO, you can attract more users from all over the world to your brand faster than with other traditional methods.

  • #9 Viralise your business

For anyone who spends any amount of time on the internet, it's an obvious fact that videos are shared more than other forms of content.

If you think of the word viral, the next thing that comes to mind is video.

when was the last time you heard of a blog post going viral? Probably never

Probably never. If you want to make your brand viral, you must include corporate videos in your marketing strategies.

  • #10 Increases customer engagement

It is also a proven fact that including corporate videos in your marketing strategies increases customer engagement. Most studies show that customers who watch corporate videos are 50% more likely to make a purchase from the company. In addition to this, they are also more likely to recommend the brand to their network.

do you want to develop a video marketing strategy for your company?

Organisations that do not yet have corporate videos in their marketing strategies are falling behind and, above all, are not providing differentiating elements in their company. It is a fact that video is a tool that improves customer acquisition and helps to develop business.

But to develop the best video marketing strategy you must have the best audiovisual production company, so today we bring you the perfect solution: hire Occam's audiovisual production services.

want to see some of our great success stories? Then stop reading and see for yourself.

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