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why shouldn't you do without a content calendar?

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have you ever asked yourself this question, have you tried to find the answer, do you know how important the content calendar is to your Inbound Marketing strategy, do you want to save time by optimising the content you generate, do you want to keep your publications organised, is the content calendar one of the most popular concepts of recent times?

The content calendar is one of the most popular concepts of recent times. There are many reasons why it is essential to use it and include it in the processes of the Inbound methodology, in general, and in the content strategy, in particular. We are going to tell you in this post why you should not do without it in your strategy.

People want information about the things that interest them, and you have an important role to play in this.

Reasons for having a content calendar

Planning, organising and scheduling have become three essential actions for companies, especially in view of the profound changes in the way we buy and sell, as well as the way we work. In this sense, consistency and order are particularly important, two elements capable of making the complex easy and the relevant interesting. These are just two advantages of the content calendar. The rest, we will tell you about below:

  1. Optimise time. It is said that today's society lives in an eternal stress, so optimising time has become a rather complex challenge. The content calendar makes it possible to do so, as it provides good time management that avoids pressure.
  1. It provides professionalism. Can you imagine the look on your face if at any given moment you had no content to publish, or if you ran out of ideas? Don't let this happen to you! The content calendar can help you.
  1. Constant flow: This is one of the possibilities offered by the content calendar, as it is the basic pillar that allows us to optimise the efforts invested and to continue advancing in our strategy.
  1. Organisation. It allows us to have control over the amount of content generated, the publication time between both, the topics to write about, and, above all, exhaustive organisation and monitoring.
  1. Support for social networks. The content calendar allows the perfect coordination of publications in relation to social networks, so that the organisation goes beyond the content itself.
  1. The organisation of posts over a long period of time provides an important back-up that will give us the possibility to dedicate time to other tasks.
  1. Short-, medium- and long-term planning: this advantage allows us to prepare or establish the content strategy in the desired time frame, as well as to foresee important dates.
  1. Greater peace of mind. This is the sum of everything explained so far. The organisation of content, its planning and the optimisation of time will give us greater peace of mind.

Being prepared can be the best secret of success.

The role of the content calendar in Inbound Marketing

In this section we are going to mention an issue closely related to one of the reasons we explained above. I am referring to the support of social networks, that point capable of perfectly coordinating the publication of content. Have you ever felt that your marketing efforts were not developing in a balanced way on social networks? The content calendar has a lot to do with this. More, even, than you may have imagined.

calendario de contenido - Envisage and GrowThat aside, having a content calendar gives you control over one of the most important elements of an Inbound Marketing campaign: the blog. It is the place where companies display the posts they generate, the place where they want to attract potential customers, and the stage for everything they want to offer. However, it is important to remember that its creation must start with determining your objective and identifying your audience, among other things.

In short, the content calendar is decisive in Inbound Marketing strategies. It is a kind of chain in which: the content calendar serves as a support for the posts, and this becomes the main support for the Inbound methodology.

do you know how to create it in your company?

Many companies wonder how to create a content calendar and, better yet, what factors should be taken into account to make their blogs a more dynamic and effective site. Experts in Inbound Marketing strategy advise specifying the publication dates of each post, as you know that the what and the when always count. Similarly, it is also advisable to determine the type of format that we will use for the publication of posts, and set deadlines to support compliance with the established times.

there is always time to improve!

Consigue ahora una plantilla para crear tu calendario de contenidos

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