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First of all, it is important to understand what digital marketing is and why it has become an essential tool for companies today. In short, Digital Marketing is the use of online media to improve or sell a product or service. In the online world we have more and more competition and it is necessary to carry out a good job so that the end user of our product or service finds us. Thanks to digital marketing you can apply marketing strategies carried out in digital media. All the techniques of the offline world are transferred to a new world: the online world.
In this new world there are new features such as immediacy, the emergence of social networks and tools that allow us to make real measurements. It also allows you to design specific strategies for your type of business, choose the channels where your target audience is and measure in real time the actions you execute. In this way, you gain visibility by optimising resources. In digital marketing the most important thing is to make the most of online resources and opportunities for your business or brand to grow efficiently. The channels that are part of the online world and where it surely has presence are websites, mobile applications, social networks, blogs, online search engines, advertising on Google, advertising on networks, email marketing, video platforms, forums, etc.
En sus inicios, el marketing digital era unidireccional, esto quiere decir que no se distanciaba de los medios offline tradicionales. Sin embargo, en la actualidad es bidireccional, lo que significa que es creador de comunidad, es colaborativo. Con el marketing digital actual ya no existen las figuras del emisor y receptor porque todos podemos ser ambos al mismo tiempo. En el marketing digital, el feedback es el gran protagonista, ya que, gracias a las redes sociales, blogs, entre otros medios de interacción puedes conocer la opinión de tus lectores, usuarios o clientes y mejorar tus productos, servicios o estrategias de marketing. En resumen, el marketing digital es la evolución del marketing tradicional. Hemos pasado de los anuncios en la radio, la televisión o la prensa a los anuncios en Internet. Ahora ya no recibes cartas con publicidad, ahora recibes email marketing. Asimismo, con esta evolución hemos pasado de las presentaciones en vivo a los webinars y a los vídeos en YouTube.
It is essential that your business has a presence in the online world, so here are 10 steps to get you started in the world of digital marketing.
1. Set your goals
Decide whether you want to work for an agency, company or freelance in digital marketing. Whichever option you choose, you'll need to invest time in learning and researching.
2. Research companies
If you want to enter this world, we recommend you to look for companies where you would like to work to see if their objectives and values correspond to yours. This is very important, as it will be much easier and more enjoyable to do digital marketing on a product or service that you like. Also, look for opinions from customers or employees, they can give you a lot of information about what they are like.
3. Update and educate yourself
You never stop learning about Digital Marketing. It is a profession that never stops advancing and evolving, so you need to keep up to date with the tools and trends in this sector, from learning how to use Google Analytics to measure the impact of your website and the behaviour of its users, to Canva, which helps you to create simplified designs. The secret is to keep yourself informed.
4. Take care of your Job Search Tools
Your CV should contain information that is related to the job you are applying for. We also recommend you make a cover letter or video CV so they can get to know you. This is the first impression companies will get of you, so be careful with the design, spelling and grammar and every detail of your presentation.
5. Have a presence on social media
If you want to dedicate yourself to the online world, we recommend that you have a presence on social networks so that companies can see how you perform in this world. Also, be very careful with the information you provide. Remember that the internet is a window to the world.
6. Create your own website/blog
This is recommended if you want to improve your personal brand. There you can show your soft skills such as creativity. If you don't have a blog yet and you would like to have one, we recommend you to use WordPress to create it, but first decide what you want to talk about. You can also create your website with Wix, used to create and design websites without being an expert in the area and with the quality of a professional. This is ideal for people who are starting a business, as they can create their website at no cost and in a very easy way.
7. Show your real projects
To show that you have experience, you have to create it. Start by making the website of an acquaintance or friend in exchange for letting you present it as work in your portfolio. This way, you will not arrive blank and you can show that you have experience either by creating a website or content for networks or others.
8. Get to know the tools in your sector
As we have already mentioned, digital marketing is a profession that is constantly evolving, so it is vital that you are up to date with the new tools in this sector and that you learn them. Take advantage of the internet and watch tutorials to learn them. Nowadays there are many options to learn new tools in the online world without having to invest a lot of money.
Don't forget that every business needs a digital marketing professional, so don't hesitate to specialise in this sector. It is growing exponentially and more and more skilled people are needed. Don't get left behind and start mastering the world of digital marketing now.
does your business already have a presence in the online world? If not, then you need an online professional. Don't hesitate to look for or become one.
Dare to dive into the world of digital marketing.