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how to make a briefing for social media?

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Within the world of marketing and advertising, the word briefing is the order of the day, in this post we teach you everything you need to know about it, how to do it and most importantly, how to carry out a briefing for social media, a great pillar of marketing at this time.

what is a briefing?

The first thing we can say about briefing is that it is already an essential part of a day-to-day marketing strategy. Continuing with your strategy without a briefing, or with one that is not well planned, will lead you to disaster for sure.

To define briefing we can simply say that it is a document, this document serves as a communication bridge between the company and the marketing company. In this document the company must communicate what it wants to achieve within the specific project with all kinds of details, including deadlines, objectives and means. Basically it is a document that compiles all the questions we need to know about the brand to be able to work for it in a personalised way.

Characteristics of the briefing:

  • It follows an order, usually going from the most general to the most specific.
  • It includes all the necessary information but in a concise and summarised form.
  • It should be specific but should not contain too many technicalities specific to the company's own sector so that it can be understood by all members of the marketing company's team.
  • The point that should be clearest in the briefing, as in any marketing strategy, are the objectives, those points where the company wants to get to, usually through the SMART strategy.

Types of briefing:

  • Advertising briefing: One of the most common, its function is to detail everything necessary to be able to start an advertising campaign.
  • Business briefing: this document includes the company's situation, both current and historical, and focuses on details of business projects that are going to be launched.
  • Creative briefing: This brings together all the graphic and design information.
  • Marketing briefing: it summarises the information of the marketing project to be launched.

how to create a briefing for social media?

  1. what do we need?
    The first part, as for any briefing, is to think about what information we, as a marketing company, are going to need for the project.

  2. Questions
    Once we know all the information we need for the project, we transform it into questions for the client, these questions have to be clear and concise, if you use very technical language, the client may not understand what you are asking and communication will not be fluid. Once you have all the questions, group them together so that it is easier for the client to answer them.

  3. Objectives

    Once all the unknowns have been resolved, it is time to set objectives that are what we want to achieve within the campaign or project, ideally, as in any strategy, these objectives should be measurable so that we can see if we are meeting them and if not, we can easily optimise them. We will do this by means of KPIs or other performance indicators.

  4. Audience
    The next step is to be very clear about the target audience for our communication strategy. Although it may not seem like it, this step is one of the most important, as it will completely change the type of action and the tone with which we address the audience. The channels also change a lot depending on the audience we are addressing, and these channels are the main way we have to reach them, so it is very important to know which channels to use and which not to use.

  5. Project
    If there are people in the team who are not clear about the characteristics of the project, this can lead to failure. What must be clearest is the project, we must know where we are, what we are working on and for what purpose.

  6. Budget

    In order to start carrying out the project, we not only need to know where we want to get to, we need to know where we can get to, the budget can be a big handicap when carrying out our project, and it is very important to take this into account so that we do not have to change the whole strategy later due to a lack of budget.

  7. Deadlines
    Another essential element is to know exactly what deadlines we have to carry out the project, not only when everything must be finished, but to set several phases in which we advance the project little by little, in order to see where your strategy is failing and if you need to hurry up at some point.

Advantages of the social media briefing

If you are a marketing company:

  • The marketing plan will not be so complicated to make if you already know what your client's objectives are, knowing the situation they are in and where they want to be after the project, it will be much easier.

  • You will avoid disappointment on the part of the client towards your marketing company because with the briefing you will be able to "negotiate" what exactly the client wants from you, so there will be no misunderstandings and you will be able to better reach the objectives that the client expects you to fulfil.

  • You will have all the necessary information for your digital project, in an orderly and clear way that will avoid headaches and will help your team to work better having clear the client's needs.

  • If any member of the team enters the project after it has started, it will be very easy for them to understand it in its entirety without complications thanks to the organisation of the information.

  • This whole digital project will be very easy to build with the briefing already done, as you already have the pillars of your project in place, and you only need to complement it based on them.

Once we understand what the briefing is, its advantages and how to make one for social media, we just need to get started with it. It will help you in the execution of your project and it will be very useful when working, you save time because the time you lose doing the briefing is the time you will recover later because you will not have to waste so much time during the project. Don't wait any longer and get a briefing for your social media strategy.

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